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Punto Singer Las Gaviotas venta, reparación y pintura de maquinas de coser Nueva Lengua - Cartagena Amarla Boutique Hotel Cartagena Plaza de los Coches University of San Buenaventura Discover Cartagena by Locals Museo de Arte Moderno Cartagena Exito store Cartagena Premium Care Plastic Surgery

1. Punto Singer Las Gaviotas venta, reparación y pintura de maquinas de coser - Cartagena de Indias

· 10 reviews

Mz4, Lote 10 Etapa 3 Cra 65A, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Punto Singer Las Gaviotas venta, reparación y pintura de maquinas de coser: what do users think?
Luz Duque: The service is excellent and honesty is the best, but I need the service again and I call and the machine that is not receiving calls answers, it should have a second telephone number.
Eduardo Santos: Very good attention and they are very professional in their work very happy with our purchase thank you
Miguel Abreo: Excellent attention
feliciano marquez: excellent attention

2. Nueva Lengua - Cartagena - Getsemaní



· 92 reviews

Calle 28 (Callejon ancho) # 10b 52, Barrio Getsemaní. Cartagena, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Nueva Lengua - Cartagena: what do users think?
Amanda Oborne: Great teachers, well organized classes, friendly staff. Highly recommend.
Carolina Guimaraes: Estudei por 4 semanas na Escola Nueva Lengua em Cartagena- Colômbia. Escola bem organizada, com professores muito bons, as turmas possuem no máximo 3 a 5 alunos o que faz que você esteja bem exposto a fala, temos aula de conversação e gramática . Todos os dias tem programação de passeios ou eventos organizados pela escola para que as turmas possam interagir e até mesmo experimentar outras formas de aprendizado ! Quero voltar para estudar novamente lá !
Lily Meng: I had a great experience at Nueva Lengua, the teachers and staff are very nice and patient. They have good methods and offer many free fun activities after school. 这个学校很不错,喜欢我的老师,教育方法和许多免费的课余活动。
Arielle Bernardin: I recently attended Nueva Lengua Cartagena Spanish School for 3 weeks and it was by far the best 3 weeks ever. The school was amazing with wonderful and knowledgeable teachers like Paula and Carolina. Paula was incredibly patient and kind, while Carolina went above and beyond with her engaging and upbeat teaching style. I miss them both dearly! They made learning so much fun that we looked forward to attending classes each day.On top of that, the weekly activities organized by the school were incredibly fun and entertaining; I always looked forward to them and especially loved how they put up a clear schedule on the wall to inform us about them. I also had the opportunity to meet such wonderful people from all around the world that I still keep in contact with. Thanks to their excellent teaching methods and engaging activities, my Spanish has improved tremendously.I would highly recommend Nueva Lengua to anyone who wants to learn or better their Spanish while having a great time. Thank you, Nueva Lengua Cartagena Spanish School, for an unforgettable experience!
Kaili Barnes: I came to Nueva Lengua to learn medical Spanish for my future care. I have only been here for 4 days and my Spanish has gotten so much better! The way they teach her is so incredible! The teachers a very supportive and you can tell they love their jobs! Everyone I have met here has said that this is one of the top programs in the world and I definitely think that is true. This program brings in so many people from so many different countries and it’s so wonderful to be around them all. My first week I have Gaby and Mayra as my teachers and they a wonderful!! I’m so excited for the next 4 weeks here!
Loes de Smet: My boyfriend and I followed the intense Spanish course for two weeks at the start of our trip to Colombia. The experience was amazing! The communication with the office went smoothely and the activities after school are fun and a great way to practice your Spanish. Our teachers (Mayra and Carolina) were really professional and you can see they have a passion for teaching and the Spanish language. They always motivated us and made learning a new language so much fun. We have learned so much in two weeks! Would definitely recommend others to go there as well.
Thomas Avedissian: Did 2 weeks of Spanish school at Nueva Lengua and it was a great learning experience! The teachers are very professional and fun (special shoutout to Mayra and Carolina) and the activities the school organizes are a great way to learn about Cartagena and Colombian culture.
Lord North YoungBoy: Nueva Lengua est une école incroyable, situé dans le centre ville de Cartagena. Je recommande vivement cette expérience. Des professeurs compétant et à l’écoute des étudiants
Jaqueline Marcelino: Foi uma ótima experiência. Os professores são excelentes, e temos a oportunidade de conhecer pessoas de todo o mundo enquanto aprendemos.
Nicole Jeandupeux: Très bonne école, j'ai fait beaucoup de progrès en 1 semaine, les cours sont bien structurés entre théorie et pratique et les profs sont très sympas et arrangeants !
sammy habes: L école offre des cours de tout niveau, j’aime leur méthode d apprentissage qui me semble être efficace. Ils sont très sympathiques.
Andressa Roque: Tive uma experiência incrível! Os professores e todos os profissionais da escola foram maravilhosos do começo ao fim. Uma oportunidade incrível de conhecer a cidade, além de conhecer pessoas novas e melhorar o Espanhol. Recomendo muito.
Honorine Desilles: J’ai adoré apprendre l’espagnol au sein de cette école ! Tout s’est très bien passé entre la qualité des professeurs, les groupes de petite taille qui permettent de progresser rapidement et la qualité des activités incluses ! Merci
Kleber Francisco da Silva: É uma escola com arquitetura charmosa, a estrutura é colonial e os professores são muito receptivos. A comida é muito gostosa e as atividades extras são muito legais. Aprendemos Espanhol o dia todo praticamente, fiquei duas semanas estudando na escola e tive muita troca cultural, já estou com saudades e vontade de voltar.
Elias: Tiden min på Nueva Lengua i Cartagena var et minne for livet. Skolen har en fantastisk lokasjon i hjertet av Cartagena. Jeg var der i 10 dager og ble utrolig godt motatt. Jeg hadde Carolina som lærer og WOW, for en evne til å lære bort. Vi avsluttet alltid med 1 time med fokus på kommunikasjon, hvor Kevin var helt strålende. Aktivitetene etter skolen var også veldig gøy, fordi du utforsket byen på måter du elles aldri ville gjort. Jeg kan virkelig anbefale denne skolen til andre reisende.
ian paul: The school is a great place to enrol. The teachers are helpful, friendly and assist you regardless of what level of Spanish you have. It’s a great place to mix with like minded travellers so it doesn’t matter if you enrol by yourself or with a travelling buddy as there are daily activities for you to interact with fellow travellers if you choose to. I was fortunate to have Kevin, Mayra, Carolina and Paola as my main teachers but also had the pleasure of having Eli the dance teacher who is packed full of energy to help me going from having 2 left feet to pulling of salsa, merengue and bachata dance routines. I’m happy to have spent my time here.
Eve B: Ich habe für zwei Wochen an der Schule Nueva Lengua einen Spanischkurs gemacht. Die Schule hat eine sehr gute Lage in Getsemani, einem bunten belebten Viertel. Meine Gastfamilie wohnt im Stadtteil Manga in 15 Minuten Fußweg von der Schule entfernt. Mir haben die beiden Wochen Unterricht sehr viel gebracht. Wir haben viel Theorie gelernt und wiederholend geübt. Dabei wurde ausschließlich Spanisch gesprochen. Die beiden Lehrerinnen Mayra und Ana haben den Unterricht sehr gut gestaltet und uns sehr viel Geduld entgegengebracht. Es war eine angenehme Atmosphäre in der Klasse. Die Gruppengröße war mit 4-5 Leuten perfekt als Intensivkurs. Das Unterrichtsmaterial war auch sehr übersichtlich. Nachmittags wurden viele verschiedene kostenlose Aktivitäten von der Schule angeboten, z.B. Kochkurse, Ausflüge in der Stadt (Burg, Museum), Kajakausflüge am Strand und in die Mangroven. Die Unterrichtszeiten von 9-13 Uhr haben sehr gut gepasst um den Nachmittag noch zu nutzen. Ich habe zusätzlich zum Spanischkurs noch einen Tanzkurs gemacht. Wir hatten sehr viel Spaß und ich habe in die Salsa, Bachata und Merengue gelernt. Muchas gracias!
Nico Le: Ich habe insgesamt zwei Wochen lang die Sprachschule Nueva Lengua in Cartagena besucht und war so begeistert, dass ich nach einer Woche verlängert habe. Die Schule befindet sich direkt im zentralen, coolen Stadtteil Getsemani. Ich wohnte bei einer kolumbianischen Familie 20 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt. Der Unterricht fand von 9-13 Uhr statt, es wurde nur spanisch gesprochen.In der Schule wurde ein leckeres preisgünstiges Mittagessen angeboten, Getränke waren frei.Selbst Lehrerin, war ich von den modernen Lehrmethoden und der Vielfalt der Aufgaben angenehm überrascht. Der Unterricht wurde professionell vorbereitet, war gut strukturiert und dem Niveau der Gruppe angepasst. Die Lehrkräfte sind sehr gut ausgebildet, motiviert und freundlich. Ich habe die Grammatik gut verstanden und große Fortschritte im Lesen, Schreiben und Verstehen von spanischen Texten gemacht. Jeden Nachmittag wurden zusätzlich kostenlose Gruppenaktivitäten angeboten, z.B. Koch- und Tanzkurse oder Ausflüge in die nähere Umgebung.Ich habe eine tolle Zeit in Cartagena verbracht, das karibische Urlaubsfeeling sehr genossen und kann diese Sprachschule uneingeschränkt empfehlen.
Mélissa VALSIN: J'ai énormément apprécié mon séjour de 2 semaines à l'école de Cartagena au mois de février dernier. Toute l'équipe a été très accueillante et ça a été un plaisir d'étudier au sein de Nueva lengua.Malgré ma courte durée de séjour, mes professeurs Gerald et Mayra m'ont permis de bien progresser en espagnol et en plus, les cours ont toujours été passionnants.De plus, les activités de l'école étaient très diversifiées et m'ont permis de connaître davantage la culture colombienne; j'ai d'ailleurs même pu découvrir le carnaval de Barranquilla grâce à Cynthia, organisatrice de l'évènement au sein de l'école.L'école est très bien située au coeur du magnifique quartier coloré de Getsemani, où il règne une ambiance festive en permanence.La bonne humeur générale au quotidien et le sourire de l'ensemble du personnel de cette école ont rendu mon séjour inoubliable.Aujourd'hui, mon seul regret au sujet de cette école aura été de ne pas avoir pu y rester plus longtemps.
Serafim: A Escola Nueva Lengua é incrível, certamente eu posso dizer que aqui formamos uma família, eu fui muito bem recebido pelos colegas de classe, funcionários e todos os Professores (as) são muito amáveis e solicitos, Eles (as) conhecem e dominam o idioma e me ajudaram muito na imersão ao Español. Adorei a experiência e em breve vou trazer o meu filho aqui para fazer o curso e intercâmbio. Eu recomendo a escola, amigo (a) Brasileiro venha ter uma boa experiência inesquecível na Escola Nueva Lengua. Saludos 🇧🇷🇨🇴.
Robert Parkin: Professional, supportive, excellent tutors, amazingly good value.. highly recommended!

3. Ecos-spanishschool - Manga

· 32 reviews

Cra. 17 ##16-05, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Ecos-spanishschool: what do users think?
Jeremy: Top teachers, very good location and facilities. I made huge progress thanks to a well thought programs led by careful and competent teachers. Would come again for sure.
Samuel Basler: Ecos-spanishschool is a perfect place to improve your Spanish in Cartagena. Super relaxed and professional teachers. I took great advantage of my private classes. Five star school!Regards, Samuel
Lukas Baumgärtel: Danke für alles! Ich hatte eine wirklich gute Zeit in der Schule. Die Lehrer waren alle sehr motivierend und das Programm war sehr abwechselungsreich. Ich glaube , ich konnte mein Spanisch verbessern. 👍
Ramon Hegi: Sehr gute Schule um Spanisch zu lernen. Dank den superkompetenten Lehrerinnen kann ich nach zwei Wochen genug Spanisch zum rumreisen. Highlights waren die Kulturellen Aktivitäten, die Tanzkurse und am besten haben mir die Kochstunden gefallen.Danke für die tolle Zeit in Cartagena!
Faria 01082084: Olá,Minha experiência na Escola ECOS foi maravilhosa.Tudo poderia se limitar a competência acadêmica, mas claro, foi muito além disso.O ambiente é maravilhoso, todos extremamente simpáticos e amáveis, com dinâmicas e atividades extracurriculares que nos dão a oportunidade de conhecer a linda e maravilhosa Cartagena de Índias, sob o olhar de quem lá vive.Recomendo muito.Muito obrigado ECOS.Rodrigo e Ana Paula – Brasil.
Cees Crumb: I spent three weeks here, (one of them I stayed with a family) and have really enjoyed myself. Teachers and facilities that you would expect from a German accredited school. Staying with a family just added another dimension to the experience. They match you with a family that suits.The lessons were well structured and I enjoyed learning with my 3 other classmates. The extra curriculum activities were fun. I feel I understand South America a little better and especially this little corner of Colombia. Thank you Team ECOS
scott Woodward: I have had a really enjoyed my three weeks at Ecos-spanish school in Cartagena. I have learned so much in a short time. The teachers are very skilled and make learning fun. Having a basic skill of speaking and understanding Spanish has definitely made it easier and more interesting to travel in Colombia. Muchas gracias Victoria and Team!
Sigrid Rüffert: ECOS bietet eine sehr interessante Kombination von Sprach- und Tanzschule mit vielen interessanten zusätzlich angebotenen Aktivitäten über soziale Projekte, Sport, Sightseeing an. Der Unterricht ist sehr gut und auf individuelle Bedürfnisse abgestimmt, abwechslungsreich, lustig und mit großartigen Lehrern. Getsemaní und das historisches Zentrum können bequem zu Fuß erobert werden. Die Schule hat mir ermöglicht, innerhalb von 7 Tagen sehr viel zu lernen und viele sehr unterschiedliche Dinge erleben zu können. Darüber hinaus war die Gastfreundschaft meiner Gastfamilie überwältigend. Die dringen notwendige Versorgung von Grundschülern mit einfachstem Unterrichtsmaterial in einem Armenviertel im Rahmen eines Sozialprojektes und deren Verteilung vor Ort bei Señora Lorenza hat mich nachhaltig beeindruckt und mir einmal wieder vor Augen geführt, wie wichtig und unabdingbar es ist, mit einfachen und geringen Mitteln direkte Hilfe vor Ort zu leisten.
Aymen Gha: It was a pure pleasure. The whole team is amazing and I met many great students from different parts of the world. I highly recommend the dancing classes too. The school offers many extra group activities in the city. Charming people! I will be back in couple of months 😉
Jacqueline Z: A great place to learn Spanish! The staff is phenomenal.
Adam Poloczek: ECOS ist eine hervorragende Sprachschule. Die Schule habe ich Ende November 2022 für zwei Wochen besucht.Der Unterricht ist sehr gut und ich habe viel in der Zeit gelernt. Neben Unterricht gibt es noch zusätzliche Aktivitäten wie verschiedene Touren, Kochen, Tanzen oder Interaktionen.Bei der nächsten Möglichkeit werde ich an Schule weitermachen.Ich hatte eine großartige Zeit.Mucho gracias equipo ECOS
Engine Room: A fantastic experience. Three weeks of study and fun! I can’t thank the Team of teachers here enough for starting me on my Spanish journey 😁
steve: This is a very good spanish school.I spent a month there and had a wonderful time. The school is well organized. The staff is nice, the teachers are professionals, the activites very cool and always on time. I also had private dance lessons with Francis (una chica 😉 very kind).Something very nice is the air conditioning in the school because it can get really hot depending the time of the year.I decided to stay with a host family chosen by the school and it was clean and confortable and they were very nice.The localisation is perfect. 10 minutes walk and you're in the neighborhood of Getsemani with its magical atmosphere with bars and restaurants.So if you want to improve your spanish and live a cultural experience meeting other students from different countries, I recommend this school without hesitation.Steve, 52 from Canada.
Lucy Golding: I would highly recommend Ecos as your choice of school. The teachers are excellent and they take the time to make sure you fully understand what is being taught. There are free activities 3 times a week where you can learn more Spanish, find out about the local culture, and interact with other students. At the end of each week you have an interactive session with the other students, in which you play games to improve your vocabulary. If I ever come back to Cartagena I would definitely return to Ecos.
Adriana Frazao: Exelente escola!! Pessoal muito amável e atencioso!! Cuidam com muito carinho de todos! Professore nativos e com muita didática! Varias atividades extra classes variadas!! Escola perfeita!
Christoph Körner: Die Sprachschule befindet sich im Zentrum von Cartagena. Nah an der Altstadt und neben Getsemani. Die Lehrer sind alle sehr motiviert und man lernt in kurzer Zeit sehr schnell. Vorab gibt es einen Test, um das eigene Level festzustellen. Vormittags sind dann gemeinsame Stunden mit bis zu 4 anderen Schülern. Am Nachmittag wenn gewünscht dann Einzelunterricht. Super saubere Räumlichkeiten, tolle Aktivitäten 3x wöchentlich am Nachmittag und super Mitarbeiter. Klare Empfehlung an alle, die spanisch lernen wollen.
Ayako Dumont: Je suis actuellement en voyage de 6 mois en Amérique du sud et je souhaitais prendre une semaine de cours d'espagnol pour avoir quelques bases car je n'ai jamais appris auparavant. ECOS m'a donné quelques bases pour pouvoir ensuite apprendre plus sur le terrain.Les professeurs et les cours étaient top. Cependant je recommande ce programme plus pour ceux qui veulent apprendre l'espagnol avec un bonne base grammaticale et pas forcément pour être opérationnel rapidement.Merci à vous pour cette super semaine. C'était très cool !
Ju: Great language school! It is a small and very informal school with good and motivated teachers. At the beginning there is a placement test and then appropriate groups are formed. I particularly liked the cultural activities such as bachata courses and cooking lessons. On Friday there was a joint lesson for all the students, which was a lot of fun. Perhaps of interest to German employees: the school is recognized for educational leave. I highly recommend them and will definitely be back!!
Andrea Castañeda Nomelin: I had a wonderful time at Ecos. Everyone was very kind and helped me with everything! Vale la pena!!!
Victoria Mestre: Excelent school. Professional teachers and you can take also dancing lesson, cooking lessons and one tour with your Spanish lessons.
Sha Taheri: Going to the Ecos spanishschool was the best thing we did. The staff are very professional and great teacher and as well very kind and caring. I could never imagine learning so much in only one week. Thank you so much everyone who works at Ecos. I highly recommend this school in Cartagena. It's worth going there just for this experience.In addition to the classes, everyday we had supplemental activities that supported our learning to speak Spanish and practice with local people. The family Ecos found for us to stay at was wonderful people. We live them and still keep in touch. They spent lots of time with us at meals and after school to practice our speaking skills. It was an amazing experience. Muchas gracias.

4. Amarla Boutique Hotel Cartagena - Centro

· 61 reviews

Calle Ayos #4 – 29, Cartagena de Indias, Cartagena, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Amarla Boutique Hotel Cartagena: what do users think?
Daniel Rubio Sánchez: The hotel is fantastic. Well located, taken care of and the staff makes you feel like home. I recommend it without hesitation.
David Weber: We had the pleasure of staying at Amarla Boutique Hotel in Cartagena for 2 days and it was simply perfect! The hotel has a great location in the heart of the old town and its staff are incredibly friendly and welcoming. From the spacious rooms to their rooftop terrace with stunning views, every detail is guaranteed to make your stay a memorable one. Highly recommend it!
julian roth: Service is a bit slow but I supose its part of the carribean experience. Staff is very friendly and the hotel is beautiful.Rooms: 5/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 5/5 …More
ariel perdomo: ExcellentRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 …More
Carmen Morawska: This is such a special hotel. The common areas are beautiful, and it has definitely kept its colonial charm whilst feeling very luxurious.The room was comfortable and well equipped. The only issue is we had a desk semi-blocking the door, so accessing the balcony wasn’t easy. It’s also worth noting that it’s quite noisy at night. Not the hotel’s fault as it’s coming from the street below, but for the rooms that face the road, maybe they could offer earplugs.The shower did not get very hot for very long and the old shower head means the water sort of splatters in weird directions, but it wasn’t terribly inconvenient.The staff were incredibly helpful and accommodating.
Marc Jerome: My wife and I just returned from a three night stay at this wonderful boutique property. The stay was wonderful because both the property and the service were excellent. Our room—#1– was lovely, quiet and peaceful with high ceilings and a large bathroom. The common areas are beautiful and stylish. The rooftop pool was perfect to relax at. But most importantly, the level of service was so good, we felt like we were staying at a private Villa. Every morning, fresh coffee with hot milk was waiting for us before our run. Breakfast, which is included, was delicious. See photos below. For the price, you cannot beat the level of service or room amenities. We highly recommend this 6 room hidden gem. Special shout out to the wonderful staff, including our food server, Dorian; Otto who greeted us in the am and Eduardo andClaudia, who helped make our stay memorable.
John: Other than the outside noise at night, our stay could not have been better.Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 …More
ماجد السبيعي: افضل بوتيك هوتيل في كرتخينا ، هو عباره تقريبا عن ٨ غرف فقط و يهتمون فيك اهتمام الفور سيزون وغرف فخمه ونظيفة جدا و مطبخ فيه اثنين شيف محترفين على كيفك يطبخلك الي تبي غير ان فتره العصر يحطون لك افتر نون تي على كيفك كل هذا ضمن سعر الغرفه ، كانت اجمل ايام فيه
Maria Jose Gaviria: It is a wonderful hotel, very welcoming, the food is delicious, we enjoyed it. We celebrated our marriage at Amarla and it was wonderful. The location is great, very central. The rooms are very comfortable
Jessie: Gorgeous hotel in a fantastic location. The hotel is impeccably styled and includes a delicious made to order breakfast. Rooms were clean and beautiful and the staff was super friendly. Definitely the place to stay in Cartagena
Aníbal Rojas: Is a great place, cool room but not really practical because all the vintage furniture and some odd choices in the bathroom. The service is absolutely great, and the common areas are also excellent: Relaxing, quiet, fresh, beautifuly decorated.Rooms: 3/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 …More
Marcel Rivera Díaz: Great event spaceexceptional service
Ana Isis Duarte: Amarla far exceeded expectations in all facets. The staff was courteous, helpful, attentive, and went above and beyond to make my family’s stay absolutely marvelous. Everything on the breakfast menu is outstanding and the staff gladly made any slight alterations to meals to meet there needs of the pickiest of eaters. The front office staff are experts of the old town and have amazing recommendations for food and sights. They were extremely helpful in navigating transportation needs. 100% stay here if you are in Cartagena!!!For any event, I highly recommend Angie. She was detail oriented, responsive, and well-connected. She is personable and navigated any request, no matter how last-minute, with care, attention to detail, and grace. She made the entire wedding party feel at home and provided us with service that went above and beyond her role. She truly is an amazing person and fantastic at her job. We were lucky to work with her and would jump at any opportunity to work with her again if the opportunity would arise. Truly and eternally grateful for her work and partnership throughout the planning and execution of our wedding.
Maria Cristina Gil: Room ok but needs to be cleaned better and get maintenance. Great pool and view on the top floor. Breakfast ok. Poor service from the reception. Super location in downtown.Rooms: 2/5|Service: 3/5|Location: 5/5 …More
Edgardo Preciado fuentes: It is in the center of the city in a good location
Norelys Arias: DivineRooms: 4/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 …More

5. Plaza de los Coches - Centro

· 503 reviews

Cra. 7, Cartagena, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Plaza de los Coches: what do users think?
Diego Bautista: Muy concurrido muy bonito para tomarse fotos con mucha historia de esta ciudad
Jose Toledo: Buen sitio para caminar y despejarse, con mucho contenido histórico de la ciudad.
Luis Vinas: Lugar emblemático en Cartagena. El lugar para comenzar la visita al casco antiguo de la ciudad.
Luis Anaya: Lindo , aseado, seguro , fotos geniales
Gajan: Plaza de Los Coches is a charming place to visit during the day with beautiful scenery and horse-drawn carriages. The perfect spot for a leisurely stroll. At night it becomes a hot spot for a pretty active night life which can be super fun. However, it's important to exercise alot of caution during the night as tourists and visitors are always oftenly targeted for robbery. Visitors should be wary of pickpockets and chain snatchers. Street vendors have been known to change the price of drinks mid-transaction and work in cahoots with the criminals. It's important to keep a close eye on your belongings and stay alert at all times.
Bernhard Dambon: Interesting old town. Unfortunately no carriages to be seen.
Julio Rodriguez Rodriguez: Good
Emanuel Vighi (iviaggidiema): È la piazza che troverete immediatamente dopo aver varcato la porta d’ingresso della Torre del Reloj. Subito un colpo d’occhio sullo stile coloniale della città e un consiglio: sotto i portici troverete un piccolo mercatino permanente di dolci locali.
Jorge Díaz: Plaza de los coches, a lonely place in the morning.
Jiri del S.: Very nice area and district. However too many annoying pushy barkers (guessing shops will have a way better business, if theyll calm down).
Disyyaliani Gonzalez: Spectacular 👌
José E. Anderson: Simply beautiful day or night always cute
Camilo Franco: As always, this square is beautiful, very central to the historic center
Martin Aguayo Salas: Once you pass the arches under the Clock Tower, it is the starting point of a tour through the history of Cartagena. Where formerly slaves were sold, today it is still a place of commerce. Sweets, exchange houses, bars, clothing stores and much more. There is the monument to Pedro de Heredia, founder of Cartagena, and it is the corner of Calle de las Carretas from where the horse-drawn carriages depart for tours of the city.
David Caballero: Main access point to the city. You will pass by here several times on your visit to Cartagena. If you are a lover of sweets, do not miss the stalls in the arcades
C. Daniel Miranda Salgado: Christmas lighting 2021, in the Plaza de los Coches.
Thomas 7: The Plaza de los Coches is an area where you can hire the famous cars to do the tourist tour in a beautiful horse-drawn carriage. It is one of the great attractions of the city and it is somewhat romantic.
Orlando Sanchez: Very good party and tourism atmosphere
Carlos Andres Cabarcas Marquez: It is the Room of my Cartagena.
Laura Garzon: Spectacular
saudy lorena goenaga muñoz: A magical atmosphere ❤️

6. Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena - San Diego

· 2182 reviews

Calle Del Torno 39-29, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Sofitel Legend Santa Clara Cartagena: what do users think?
Sebastian Leon: Exceptional service, location, pool, spa, food, drinks, and energy. Best of all is the kindness, generosity, professionalism, warmth, and tirelessness of the *entire* staff.There are service charges that are a critical ingredient in making this experience possible, but please be as generous with gratuities as you can. The team that works at Sofitel Santa Clara is presidential. 3000% on point.And there are friendly ghosts. Not everyone can experience them but they’re there and it’s a good thing.Noteworthy details: Magical and positively haunted hotel.
jhair ediecer: Live your legendary experience and witness our good serviceRooms: Nuestra habitación tenía una decoración especial muy personalizada de lujo por nuestro aniversario son muy detallista al momento de la limpieza además nos agrado mucho la utilización de amenites biodegradablesFood & drinks: Desde nuestra llegada todo fue muy especial nuestra cena fue en el restaurante el jardín sitio mágico el servicio fue de lujo ronal y Leonardo fueron muy amables y nos explicaron muy bien los platos además sus recomendaciones fueron excelentes las bebidas y su presentación fueron espectaculares
Primedest Video y Fotografía Comercial: Spectacular service and attention from Alexis at the Hotel Bar
kenny durango: A place full of history, with an unbeatable service, from the moment you arrive you feel at home and the best will come as you go on, this is definitely a must visit.
Yennis Florez: It has an excellent personalized serviceRooms: La habitacion muy bonita y con todos los servicios y con vista a la piscina y el marFood & drinks: Muy bueno el menu de la carta y el buffet del desayuno en el restaurante Jardin
Julio Montes: It was a spectacular experience that I lived with my wife in this beautiful and magical hotelRooms: Habitación cálida y confortableNearby activities: Disfrutamos mucho el bar botija con su bella vista y amable atención de sus empleadosSafety: Muy buena la seguridad del HotelWalkability: Es un placer caminar dentro y fuera del HotelFood & drinks: Atención cálida en el restaurante JardinNoteworthy details: La decoración romántica en la habitación
Ronald Cueto: Excellent place, really nice
Katherin de las Aguas: Very goodService: 5/5|Location: 5/5 …More
Lorena LM: Absolutely amazing hotel, a truly 5-star experience! Staff are incredible and go out of their way to make sure your stay is pleasant. From Jesus welcoming special guests to the mayordomos (thank you Rudy, Diego, Amaury and Armando!) and everyone else in the hotel. The facilities are stunning and full of history and the food is amazing in all restaurants. I highly recommend the restaurant 1621 for amazing fine dining! Can’t wait to go back one day!
Gianluca Mazzanti: Siamo stati al Santa Clara per la nostra luna di miele un totale di 5 giorni a metà giugno 2023. È stata un'esperienza divina: servizio impeccabile, cibo squisito (colazione DA SOGNO) e infrastruttura meravigliosa. Unica pecca la mancanza di chiarezza riguardo il sistema delle mance. In Colombia è usanza lasciare una mancia pari al 10% del totale del conto. Ma non ci hanno spiegato bene che al momento del check out, per ogni notte ci hanno addebitato (con un sistema di mance centralizzato) circa 40€ (!). Il problema è che la mancia comunque dovrebbe essere una cosa volontaria, ma al momento di firmare ogni conto, comunque ti viene chiesto quanto desideri lasciare come mancia... Quindi abbiamo dato mance a ogni pasto, cocktail ecc. e in più ci hanno addebitato quei 40€ per ogni giorno che hanno aumentato cospicuamente il saldo da pagare a fine soggiorno. Comunque sia consigliatissimo!!!!!
Vilma Barrios: I had lunch with my family, excellent attention, service and food
Karen McNeill: This place is worth every penny! The people are beautiful, welcoming, and most of all kind. The rooms are a little outdated, but for the most part you don’t spend a lot of time in your room. The hotel has everything you need and it’s conveniently located to shops and restaurants. The staff goes above and beyond to accommodate you. I highly recommend this place. They nailed “customer service”! I will return!
Luchy Cuentas May: Simply, the best place at all times... I highlight the warmth and simplicity of its collaborators...Food & drinks: Las habitaciones, sus áreas, su gastronomía, en fin todo es excelente. Es un lugar muy completo.

7. Servicio técnico LG Express - Pie del Cerro

· 55 reviews

Av. Pedro De Heredia ##10B-18, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Servicio técnico LG Express: what do users think?
Harold Rodriguez: Excellent service.
Kath: He gave us the wrong diagnosis. He charged us more money than agreed just for the visit.
Wilmer Porto: Excellent service and they are very honest I never had a problem I recommend them
yoniris Hernandez: It is a very good service, these technicians are notAnd they don't dress like that either. I have known them for many years
Eloy Porto: Company with fake account. Scammers stole $800,000. They said motorcycle burned I gave them the money, they never showed up again.False address, they did not answer the phone.Scammers don't hire them.Thieves.
Jaime Luna Pacheco: Yeah
Gregoriohsfddkgfdkyde Very good fast and very honest serviceI recommend them
Sandra Ludy: Excellent service
Fabio Banda: Excellent service, good presentation and it is guaranteed
Jose Caraballo correo: Decent work of lg Express very satisfied with their work
Marlon Rodriguez: Excellent technical service...responsible and timely
Ceballos Hernández Yaniris: Excellent attention and very honest
Luis Cavallazzi: Optimal and efficient service !!!
Francisco Javier: electrodomésticos de la marca LG, comprados en exterior. Sin embargo si le reciben el costo del diagnostico el cual es de $50.000 por cada electrodoméstico. Para el caso de un horno microondas no pudieron conseguir un repuesto y para el caso de una lavadora de carga frontal vino un técnico hasta mi casa a decirme lo que yo ya sabia con respecto al daño de la misma, sin ni siquiera inspeccionar el equipo o diagnosticarlo. Los dos casos anteriores bajo el mismo argumento de que ellos no pueden conseguir los repuestos para equipos comprados en el extrajero. El argumento lo dan después de que han recibido el pago por diagnostico o después de que hacen venir dizque un técnico a no hacer nada. Que falta de respeto y abuso con el cliente. Se me hace imposible que un servicio técnico dizque especializado y exclusivo de la marca no pueda pedir, conseguir o importar así sea desde Corea los repuestos que requiera cualquier electrodoméstico de la marca, con tanta globalización y comercio electrónico presente. Por otro lado el servicio al cliente pésimo, para el caso del horno, me toco ir cuatro veces personalmente para que me informaran sobre el avance del diagnostico. No son capaces de llamar e informar el avance o el estado en que se encuentra el electrodoméstico. El horno duro casi un mes, para que al cabo de este tiempo me dijeran lo que ya comente. Este centro aplica definitivamente la Ley del menor esfuerzo. Definitivamente esto solo se ve en Colombia.(Translated by Google
diego leonardo Zuñiga Ortiz: I found what I was looking
Eliecer Castellano: They never answered the calls
OLIVER ORTEGA GUZMAN: Lousy service, first they don't answer calls, second poor quality spare parts... three screens have been changed and all with the same problem. I do not recommend
Juan David Oramas: Terrible service I have tried 2 times they say they deliver to home and they do not contact
Angel Reyes: Good service, I have requested service and they have repaired my TV.
Kenny Espitia: It has public parking for its clients

8. University of San Buenaventura - Cartagena de Indias

· 139 reviews

Dg. 32 #No. 30-966, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
University of San Buenaventura: what do users think?
LUCIA RAQUEL OVIEDO: Universidad con espacios acogedores, con buena conservacion de la naturaleza y fauna, cuenta con personal amable, profesores calificados.
Jaime Luis Santiago Avila: Cómodo, muy bonito y amplio.. este lugar es ideal para aprender y para estar en armonía con la educación.
Oxig3narte, Arte, fotografía, Animales: Las instalaciones son amplias, es un ambiente campestre, lleno de vegetación dónde hay un vínculo cercano con la naturaleza, los auditorios son amplios, todo muy aseado, hay escenarios deportivos, zonas de recreación y cafeterías (costosos los alimentos por cierto), hay zona amplia de parqueo. Solo puedo opinar sobre las instalaciones jejeje.
Amira Serrano: Excelente la atencion
Cledimir Marrugo Cardenas: Amplió, fresco y de agrado visual. El campus cuenta con muchas facilidades
Hernando Tovar: A very good educational institution with excellent facilities and excellent academic programs
virginia torres: I love it, good campus, excellent facilities, quality education.
EMILTON DE JESUS NAVAS SOSA: excellent university
Margaret Hernández: Excellent IES, and very well located in the city of Cartagena.
johana mendoza: Postgraduate customer service is very bad, they never answer the phone, in addition to that one signs up and never answers, you have to go directly so that they can give you information that is not very clear either, that takes away the desire to study in that university please fix that
Samuel Crespo: By
Gustavo Pedroza Gómez: select place
Graciela Rosado Castro: Fine. They comply and enforce all biosecurity protocols.
Viviana Vega Perez: excellent
tita pertuz: Beautiful
climaco antonio vergara martinez: Where the future of your dreams goes beyond reality, a monumental structure, a pensul of modern and up-to-date Professional Careers, your professional structure will be guided by professional specialists and masters, a prestigious University in Cartagena, your professional career guaranteed throughout meaning for you and future at all levels, in the middle of the road, safe and with ample parking areas and parks, where your life will be structured in an exclusive way. Today I spent a spectacular day with Marco Antonio in his grades.
Mercedes Mora Calvo: Quality, excellent undergraduate programs, specialization, master's degrees. OK OK. Its university campus in Cartagena, in addition to its stages, sports courts; Also, it preserves more than 12 species of birds, squirrels, amphibians, lizards and a variety of ecosystems. Congratulations University of San Buenaventura
Jose Joaquin Garzon Sierra: Good place I had a good time
Lisson Edwin Camacho Jimenez: very good university
Roberto C.: Educational Senate
Helber Vergara: Excellent Campus, an inspiring place to study.

9. Hilton Cartagena - El Laguito

· 4611 reviews

Avenida Almirante Brion, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Hilton Cartagena: what do users think?
Diana Catalina Gonzalez Gil: Un hotel muy agradable para su estadía, todo el personal es muy amable y siempre todas sus áreas están impecables. Recomendado al 100% y repetiría todas las veces necesarias… gracias
luis Carrasco: Jonathan and Juan at front desk make us felt welcome our vacations were great and already planning visit the hotel again.Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury, Great view, Romantic, Quiet, Kid-friendly, Great value …More
LITOARCHIVO S.A.S: Rooms: Excelente vistaRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Great view …More
Wilson Gonzalez Padilla: ExelenteRooms: 4/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 4/5 …More
Walter Oviedo: Hotel tradicional en Cartagena excelente playas, muy tranquilo
carlos alvarez: Gran hotel, de lujo, salones grandes y limpios, buena atención, lugar fresco , la cena muy rica tipo bufett.
Jorge Carrillo: Without words...Rest in the Heroic!!!Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury …More
Maribel Soto: Rooms: Excelente servicio en limpiezaRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury …More
R H: Visiting Cartagena for a few days, I got a room for a couple of days. Nice hotel with easy beach access. Service is very good. Stay in Executive 👑 size room on 8th floor. I would recommend this hotel. Cost is. $249.00 nightly or 120 points.Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 …More
Alexander Pinzon: DANGEROUS... UNRESPONSIBLE... I stayed in this hotel in May, my mother suffered an accident around the pool and this hotel does not have trained personnel, nor do they have any protocol for these cases. My mom fell silent and lost consciousness for a few minutes and the lifeguard who was nearby brought me a cream to spread. The lack of knowledge in an accident like this is noticeable, an ambulance was never called to immobilize her, I had to pick her up after she fell and take her to the hospital in a taxi. The result of the fall was 3 fractured ribs and a vertebra. So far I have not heard anything from the hotel or from the hotel insurance company. If you are looking for a safe site with a greater sense of responsibility. do not stay at the hilton in cartagena.
Jorge Maestre: excellentRooms: 4/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 4/5 …More
Uwe Tropf: Alles ausgezeichnet. Eines der wenigen Hotels hier mit direktem Strandzugang und grosser Poollandschaft. Liegen waren immer vorhanden.Upgrade auf Meerblick als Statusmitglied habe ich bekommem.Die Zimmer sind sauber, modern eingerichtet, auch gut zum Arbeiten ausgestattet.Frühstück sehr reichhaltig, gerade bei den lokalen Gerichten kann man fast jeden Tag was neues ausprobieren. Station für Omelett und frische Säfte.Executive Lounge von 12-20 Uhr geöffnet mit kleinen Snacks, Obst, Limonaden und Kaffeemaschine und durchgehend mit 2 freundlichen Mitarbeitern besetzt. 18-20 Uhr gibt es kleine warme Gerichte, Vorspeisen, Nachspeisen, Bier,Rotwein und Weisswein. Es war bis auf das Wochende nicht überlaufen und hat eine sehr schöne Aussicht.Zu Fuss kann man mehrere Restaurants und Bars erreichen und durch Bocagrande bummeln, Ich habe mich auch abends sicher gefühlt.
Cristian Andres Peña Avila: Very quiet, good attention from the staff.
Francisco Bejarano Rodriguez: Excellent service, adequate facilitiesRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5 …More
GABRIEL MUNDARAIN: Rooms: De lujoRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury …More

10. Discover Cartagena by Locals - Centro

· 18 reviews

Cartagena, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Discover Cartagena by Locals: what do users think?
Ray Jackson: This vacation was my first time visiting Colombia, and it definitely won't be my last. Why? It was the amazing people that we met in Cartagena that made a lasting impression. Even though we originally planned to only book 1 tour with Discover Cartagena, we ended up booking 2, because the first experience was so incredible. Our first experience with Discover Cartagena was a tour of the public market, "Mercado de Bazurta." For me, this was the "real" Cartagena experience. We mixed and mingled with the hardworking people of Cartagena as they sold and bought all types of stuff. From fresh seafood, to beautiful and tasty produce. They even had a record shop in this market. I believe just about any and everything was sold here. We even bought lunch while there. But what differentiated this tour from other tours that we did during our stay was our phenomanal tour guide and host, Maria, aka Mayu. I believe Mayu is the owner of Discover Cartagena, and her passion, energy, and engaging personality is what made this experience. The moment that Mayu grabbed my hand and began teaching me how to dance Champeta while standing in front of the record shop at the public market, I knew I was all in. As a lover of music, the last thing that I expected to learn and experience at the "farmers market", lol, was how to dance to a music style that was completely foreign and fascinating to me. It was so surreal! At that very moment is when I shouted out that I'm booking a second experience with Discover Cartagena, which was "Learning to Dance Salsa." Before I share a little bit about that, I want to say that Mayu is the brand. In other words, there are some brands, that it's the product or service that makes the brand, but in this case, it's the person. If you're looking for a "cookie cutter" experience of Cartagena, then book anybody you want. But if you're truly seeking to experience Cartagena, especially like a local, then book Mayu with Discorver Cartagena. To cap off this experience, Mayu took us to the neighborhood that she grew up in, and we ate our lunch that we bought at the market. I don't know of any other place where you would get that same experience. It's just incredible.So the evening of the next day is when we went on our second experience with Mayu's Discover Cartagena. We learned how to dance Salsa, then we went to several spots to dance amongst the local crowd. Even though I love music and dancing, I'm introverted and self-conscious when dancing in front of other people, especially, when I'm the outsider. However, Mayu and the instructor did an awesome job in making me feel comfortable, and confident in learning how to Salsa. For the most part, everyone in our group was new to dancing Salsa, so I was good with the overall vibe. I know I'm not good enough to ever be on the tv show "Dancing with the Stars", but who cares I had a lot of fun. So much so that when it came time for me to leave, because it was getting late, I felt like the little kid having to leave early from his best friends birthday party begging his mom to let him stay longer, lol. I had that much fun! Once again, it was Mayu's passion, her love of the city and it's people is what made this experience incredible.I highly recommend that if you're fortunate enough to visit Cartagena, you should definitely connect with, and book your experience through Discover Cartagena!
Jenny Andry: A group of 9 of us booked a private food tour with Discover Cartagena via Airbnb experiences. With little expectation in mind, we were paired with the amazing tour guide, Marlon! We stopped at 6 local spots (+ a grocery store! which I personally love doing while traveling…a true glimpse into real life), learned their histories, tried their specialities, and were told stories from the POV of a local in between it all. 100% my favorite day while visiting; it gave color and life to my view of Cartagena that would otherwise not have happened. Marlon also went so far to recommend other spots around town for the rest of our stay and booked our group of 11 dinner at a friend's restaurant. What??Thanks for providing this great offering. I hope this business pays your Locals well.
Luisa Hernandez: The best vacation thanks to Maria and Marlon. From my arrival at the airport, Maria was always present and pending that all my tours were a dream come true. The party bus and walking tour with Marlon was spectacular; We visited Buru Island/ Playa Blanca, We did the Salsa tour and we visited 4 excellent Bars. Maria also made us the private vote for Isla Rosario which was all very safe and we enjoyed a lot. Mariá and Marlon know everything they need to spend a 5-star vacation ⭐️
Eric Schmidt: This was a great way to get to know the food culture of the city. I’d recommend doing this trip early on your visit and keeping a map handy so you can revisit the locations later 10/10!
YEISON BASTO CASTRO: Charming, wonderful, unforgettable experiences
Laura Cantwell: Positive:Professionalism,Quality,Responsiveness,ValueWe had a fantastic time with Maria learning about Cartagena's history and culture. She introduced us to some delicious foods that we definitely wouldn't have discovered on our own. Maria is so much fun, we loved it!
Patrick: Maria, was great! Always very knowledgeable and informative on the tour. If your looking for a 1 of a kind experience. Look no further. 😉
Justin Pendleton: This tour was absolutely one to remember. I’ve told everyone about all of the wonderful things we learned during our tour of Palenque. My tour guide was funny, had a great personality, and was well versed in the local culture. I wish I could give more stars as we had an excellent experience!
Derrick Phillips: Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable, fun and personable. We had a great time. I would highly suggest using Discover Cartagena
Dawn Neer: Our tour guide was amazing. We had the best time during this tour and learned so much. We tried amazing food. The empeñadas de pollo were our favorite. So much so, we went back 3 times during our trip to get them. It was one our favorite experiences.
Luis Saraza: Positive:Professionalism,Quality,ValueDiscover Cartagena has a great service, amazing knowledge about old town, culture and city history, tourist guide is really professional and the vibes/Energy are/is so good
RJ LS: My tour guide was passionate, genuine, talkative, full of energy, and is honest. I could sense or tell by the way the locals were around her that they trust her and have welcomed her as a family. I booked two tours with her: the Palenge tour and the Bazurto tour. She naturally spoke to you as if a friend. Not for one moment it felt like a script. She took great care of me and even helped me find where I can buy/special order dried fish! My father was happy hahaha! I would recommend this place. You won’t feel morally guilty for taking it unlike other tour guides/agencies.
Brad Falk: So much fun! Great storytelling and fun way to see old town. Ask for Maria, she made for a great tour
Jasper Platz: Our tour guide gave us such an amazing introduction to Cartagena and its history. She clearly knows so much about the city's origins and brought her our personality and enthusiasm which made with fun and entertaining. Will recommend her to anyone heading to Cartagena in the future.
Chelsea Cassell: My sister and I booked the Market Tour with Discover Cartagena and we had such a great experience, I definitely recommend this for anyone looking to be a part of the Colombian Culture.It is a little off-the-beaten path for most tourists, a hidden gem. We explored explored the local market amongst Cartageneros working and shopping for their families. We tried all sorts of interesting fruits and foods. The fried fish was so good, do not hesitate to try it! We saw a famous local artist at work and hear stories of some of the market's oldest vendors. Our guide was so friendly and how they interacted with everyone really made it special.Highly recommend. Make time for this tour in your trip, you won't regret it!
Andrew Holt: Our experience was nothing short of amazing. Our guide made us feel like long lost friends. Her attention to our every need and her desire to make our experience memorable were truly outstanding. I highly recommended you book an experience when in Cartagena!
Quatro Gon: Best agency in town.Maria is a wonderful person.She loves what she does.Peter from Germany
Abel Tasman: Great salsa-dancing with locals -experience in December 2019, would recommend!
Doctor K: I visited Cartagena back in April 2019. I knew absolutely no one in Colombia and knew very little Spanish. I decided to book a tour through Discover Colombia by Locals. Maria was our tour guide. She guided us through the streets of Cartagena. We tasted the most delicious foods from fruits to candies to fried fish, yucca, and beers. We ate so much on the tour. The tour made me experience Cartagena in a way I never thought I would. I highly recommend Discover Cartagena.
Victoria Palmeri: Fantastic tour guides who accommodated our large group. Went salsa dancing horseback riding and took a catamaran out to the islands. Super friendly and helped us find the off beaten course!
Jordan Ogier: Highly recommend! Best guide you could ever imagine. Great communication and never ending entertainment. Made the trip unforgettable!

11. Museo de Arte Moderno Cartagena - Centro

· 258 reviews

Cl. 31 #69b69, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

12. Exito store Cartagena - Cartagena de Indias

· 458 reviews

Cl. 31 #75, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

13. Premium Care Plastic Surgery - Bocagrande

· 25 reviews

Cra. 3 ##7-166 Local 9, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Casa Canabal Hotel Boutique - La Matuna

· 189 reviews

Cra. 10 ##31-39, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Quiksilver - Pie de la Popa

· 8 reviews

Av. El Lago, local 217-218, Cra. 22 #22-108, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia


16. Quiksilver - Bocagrande

· 1 reviews

Cra. 2 #653, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia


17. Quicksilver - Bocagrande

· 9 reviews

14B Local 4, San Martín #9, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website

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