Best Men's Tailoring Courses Cartagena Near Me

Centro Catalina Spanish School SINGER Karibana Cartagena

1. Centro Catalina Spanish School - San Diego

· 87 reviews

Cl. 38 #9-21, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

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Centro Catalina Spanish School: what do users think?
Nicole Chacon: Centro Catalina is a place where everything is done with passion and love. The team strives to give their best every day. Not only Spanish is taught, Colombian culture is also lived with many activities to guarantee an authentic experience beyond conventional tourism. Learning Spanish in cultural immersion guarantees rapid learning of the language. Colombian Spanish is considered by many to be the best to learn. The cities of Medellín and Cartagena are charming and allow an experience in very diverse contexts and regions, between the Caribbean and the Andes.
Camilo Ramirez: Great school, I learned a lot from you. I hope I can come back soon
Valérie Roy: Thanks for everything! cool experience
Lukas Niemeier: Great school. Perfectly organized with very skilled teachers, good equipment and a lot of fun during classes. I went for 30h/week for two weeks. One in Medellin and one in Cartagena. The Different knowledge levels of the students were taken into account and the groups built fit well together. Thanks again for a great time!
Gaby Sierra: Excellent!
Laura Liszewski: Really nice experience in this school, recommend!
Tom Lovett: I cannot recommend this school enough. I am absolutely amazed that. I'm able to have spontaneous conversations with locals about a host of topics, considering I only did four weeks of classes, starting from zero. I was worried that doing well in classes wouldn't carry over to the real world, but that has not been the case at all.The classes themselves were really enjoyable. My teachers were great, the other students were great. We cracked plenty of jokes while still learning new grammar and vocabulary.The school was very helpful when it came to logistics as well. I literally enrolled on a Friday afternoon for Monday morning classes. Also, the school allowed me to print documents and received a package for me.Cannot recommend this school highly enough.
Laura Shadley: Had a wonderful experience at Centro Catalina - Cartagena. The instructors and staff were outgoing and helpful. School always flew by because it was so much fun. I was nervous to speak with people in Spanish, but I gained a lot of confidence while I was there! The school organized a lot of fun activities that allowed you to experience more of the city. They also organized a trip to Isla Grande on the weekend, which was incredible! I stayed with an awesome host family very close to the school. I can't say enough good things!
Dario Paolillo Mendoza: Super escuela, Muchas gracias, thanks a lot for the great time!The support, activities, treatment and personal are fantastic. Colombia and the School has stolen my heart and they are like a second home and like a Family. May God always bless you in Name of Jesus! Bendiciones mi gente bella
Jim C.: I had a great time a Centro Catalina. The school is located in the historic center of Cartagena, with lots of restaurants, shops and sights in a short walking distance.Teachers and staff are just awesome and made my stay a unique and special experience. Everybody is super friendly and helpful.All in all a great experience, defenitely a school that I can recommend.
lisa muzzin: This is a great place to learn or improve your Spanish. Not only are the teachers and classes of top quality but there are free events most days as well. This helps you to get to know other students and the city and to practice your spanish even more. I really enjoyed my time here. Thanks everyone!
Max N: Great Experience
Yanis GUIGNOUNE: Une école totalement a l’écoute de nos besoin et le tout avec le sourire. Une ambiance géniale du début à la fin. je recommande vivement cette école.
Loris Contro: I spent 6 FUNtastic weeks learning Spanish and everything I could about the Colombian heritage and culture at Centro Catalina, and would have spent a lot more than that if I had had more time. The teachers, facilities, customer service, extra activities and anybody who works in there with great passion: everything was excellent! I attended both schools in Medellin and Cartagena,and I strongly recommend them.
William Zarb: C'est une super école les cours sont très bien organisés , les professeurs sont géniaux. Il y a beaucoup d'activités qui sont organisés chaque jour .
Thomas Augsten: School was great fun, wonderful staff, and evening as well as weekend activities are organized. Stayed for a 1-week elementary course and would come back. Also limited number of affordable rental rooms available in a safe neighborhood.
Emeline Flores: Une super école pour apprendre l'espagnol ! Une super ambiance entre les élèves et les professeurs :)
HAMOOD AL TOQI: Great school great stuff the best experience to learn Spanish highly recommend
Caleb Solofra: Great school! Classes allowed me to dig deep into not only the language but also the culture of Medellín. I have traveled a lot, and this school is the most friendly and made me most comfortable.Here’s a list of other great things:-provided a fantastic host family-top notch classes-good location in Medellín (lots to do)-optional evening activity provided each day (like a movie, salsa classes, etc)-clean facility
Brian Eaten: Perfect Spanish school for a perfect experience. S/o to David
Danny Lee: I truly can recommend centro catalina for every person who wants to learn spanish - doesnt matter which level you have! The facilities, the staff, the teachers and the way they teach are top notch! Every day they have an activity for the afternoon and also for the weekends, like salsa class, movies, city- or graffiti-tours, etc. Also the school is in the middle of centeo historico and so you can find many restaurants, bars and shops just next to it! On this point i want to say MUCHAS GRACIAS to all of the staff, especially to David, who is an amazing "papi"!! All of you, keep going the way you do!! Mucho gusto.. jackie! ;)

2. Ecos-spanishschool - Manga



· 33 reviews

Cra. 17 ##16-05, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Ecos-spanishschool: what do users think?
Jeremy: Top teachers, very good location and facilities. I made huge progress thanks to a well thought programs led by careful and competent teachers. Would come again for sure.
Samuel Basler: Ecos-spanishschool is a perfect place to improve your Spanish in Cartagena. Super relaxed and professional teachers. I took great advantage of my private classes. Five star school!Regards, Samuel
Lukas Baumgärtel: Danke für alles! Ich hatte eine wirklich gute Zeit in der Schule. Die Lehrer waren alle sehr motivierend und das Programm war sehr abwechselungsreich. Ich glaube , ich konnte mein Spanisch verbessern. 👍
Ramon Hegi: Sehr gute Schule um Spanisch zu lernen. Dank den superkompetenten Lehrerinnen kann ich nach zwei Wochen genug Spanisch zum rumreisen. Highlights waren die Kulturellen Aktivitäten, die Tanzkurse und am besten haben mir die Kochstunden gefallen.Danke für die tolle Zeit in Cartagena!
Faria 01082084: Olá,Minha experiência na Escola ECOS foi maravilhosa.Tudo poderia se limitar a competência acadêmica, mas claro, foi muito além disso.O ambiente é maravilhoso, todos extremamente simpáticos e amáveis, com dinâmicas e atividades extracurriculares que nos dão a oportunidade de conhecer a linda e maravilhosa Cartagena de Índias, sob o olhar de quem lá vive.Recomendo muito.Muito obrigado ECOS.Rodrigo e Ana Paula – Brasil.
Cees Crumb: I spent three weeks here, (one of them I stayed with a family) and have really enjoyed myself. Teachers and facilities that you would expect from a German accredited school. Staying with a family just added another dimension to the experience. They match you with a family that suits.The lessons were well structured and I enjoyed learning with my 3 other classmates. The extra curriculum activities were fun. I feel I understand South America a little better and especially this little corner of Colombia. Thank you Team ECOS
scott Woodward: I have had a really enjoyed my three weeks at Ecos-spanish school in Cartagena. I have learned so much in a short time. The teachers are very skilled and make learning fun. Having a basic skill of speaking and understanding Spanish has definitely made it easier and more interesting to travel in Colombia. Muchas gracias Victoria and Team!
Sigrid Rüffert: ECOS bietet eine sehr interessante Kombination von Sprach- und Tanzschule mit vielen interessanten zusätzlich angebotenen Aktivitäten über soziale Projekte, Sport, Sightseeing an. Der Unterricht ist sehr gut und auf individuelle Bedürfnisse abgestimmt, abwechslungsreich, lustig und mit großartigen Lehrern. Getsemaní und das historisches Zentrum können bequem zu Fuß erobert werden. Die Schule hat mir ermöglicht, innerhalb von 7 Tagen sehr viel zu lernen und viele sehr unterschiedliche Dinge erleben zu können. Darüber hinaus war die Gastfreundschaft meiner Gastfamilie überwältigend. Die dringen notwendige Versorgung von Grundschülern mit einfachstem Unterrichtsmaterial in einem Armenviertel im Rahmen eines Sozialprojektes und deren Verteilung vor Ort bei Señora Lorenza hat mich nachhaltig beeindruckt und mir einmal wieder vor Augen geführt, wie wichtig und unabdingbar es ist, mit einfachen und geringen Mitteln direkte Hilfe vor Ort zu leisten.
Aymen Gha: It was a pure pleasure. The whole team is amazing and I met many great students from different parts of the world. I highly recommend the dancing classes too. The school offers many extra group activities in the city. Charming people! I will be back in couple of months 😉
Jacqueline Z: A great place to learn Spanish! The staff is phenomenal.
Adam Poloczek: ECOS ist eine hervorragende Sprachschule. Die Schule habe ich Ende November 2022 für zwei Wochen besucht.Der Unterricht ist sehr gut und ich habe viel in der Zeit gelernt. Neben Unterricht gibt es noch zusätzliche Aktivitäten wie verschiedene Touren, Kochen, Tanzen oder Interaktionen.Bei der nächsten Möglichkeit werde ich an Schule weitermachen.Ich hatte eine großartige Zeit.Mucho gracias equipo ECOS
Engine Room: A fantastic experience. Three weeks of study and fun! I can’t thank the Team of teachers here enough for starting me on my Spanish journey 😁
steve: This is a very good spanish school.I spent a month there and had a wonderful time. The school is well organized. The staff is nice, the teachers are professionals, the activites very cool and always on time. I also had private dance lessons with Francis (una chica 😉 very kind).Something very nice is the air conditioning in the school because it can get really hot depending the time of the year.I decided to stay with a host family chosen by the school and it was clean and confortable and they were very nice.The localisation is perfect. 10 minutes walk and you're in the neighborhood of Getsemani with its magical atmosphere with bars and restaurants.So if you want to improve your spanish and live a cultural experience meeting other students from different countries, I recommend this school without hesitation.Steve, 52 from Canada.
Lucy Golding: I would highly recommend Ecos as your choice of school. The teachers are excellent and they take the time to make sure you fully understand what is being taught. There are free activities 3 times a week where you can learn more Spanish, find out about the local culture, and interact with other students. At the end of each week you have an interactive session with the other students, in which you play games to improve your vocabulary. If I ever come back to Cartagena I would definitely return to Ecos.
Adriana Frazao: Exelente escola!! Pessoal muito amável e atencioso!! Cuidam com muito carinho de todos! Professore nativos e com muita didática! Varias atividades extra classes variadas!! Escola perfeita!
Christoph Körner: Die Sprachschule befindet sich im Zentrum von Cartagena. Nah an der Altstadt und neben Getsemani. Die Lehrer sind alle sehr motiviert und man lernt in kurzer Zeit sehr schnell. Vorab gibt es einen Test, um das eigene Level festzustellen. Vormittags sind dann gemeinsame Stunden mit bis zu 4 anderen Schülern. Am Nachmittag wenn gewünscht dann Einzelunterricht. Super saubere Räumlichkeiten, tolle Aktivitäten 3x wöchentlich am Nachmittag und super Mitarbeiter. Klare Empfehlung an alle, die spanisch lernen wollen.
Ayako Dumont: Je suis actuellement en voyage de 6 mois en Amérique du sud et je souhaitais prendre une semaine de cours d'espagnol pour avoir quelques bases car je n'ai jamais appris auparavant. ECOS m'a donné quelques bases pour pouvoir ensuite apprendre plus sur le terrain.Les professeurs et les cours étaient top. Cependant je recommande ce programme plus pour ceux qui veulent apprendre l'espagnol avec un bonne base grammaticale et pas forcément pour être opérationnel rapidement.Merci à vous pour cette super semaine. C'était très cool !
Ju: Great language school! It is a small and very informal school with good and motivated teachers. At the beginning there is a placement test and then appropriate groups are formed. I particularly liked the cultural activities such as bachata courses and cooking lessons. On Friday there was a joint lesson for all the students, which was a lot of fun. Perhaps of interest to German employees: the school is recognized for educational leave. I highly recommend them and will definitely be back!!
Andrea Castañeda Nomelin: I had a wonderful time at Ecos. Everyone was very kind and helped me with everything! Vale la pena!!!
Victoria Mestre: Excelent school. Professional teachers and you can take also dancing lesson, cooking lessons and one tour with your Spanish lessons.
Sha Taheri: Going to the Ecos spanishschool was the best thing we did. The staff are very professional and great teacher and as well very kind and caring. I could never imagine learning so much in only one week. Thank you so much everyone who works at Ecos. I highly recommend this school in Cartagena. It's worth going there just for this experience.In addition to the classes, everyday we had supplemental activities that supported our learning to speak Spanish and practice with local people. The family Ecos found for us to stay at was wonderful people. We live them and still keep in touch. They spent lots of time with us at meals and after school to practice our speaking skills. It was an amazing experience. Muchas gracias.

3. SINGER - Cartagena de Indias

· 11 reviews

Get Av del Centenario Cr9 31 - 54, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

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SINGER: what do users think?
Robert Ruiz: Excellent atention
rodolfo elles olivera: Information..
JASMIN MENDEZ: Buena atención y sé encuentras variedad de repuestos y máquinas de buena calidad
alejandro Franco Montiel: Parece le falta mantener stocks .ciertos productos ( repuestos no los tienen cuando se nesecita

4. Karibana Cartagena - Cartagena de Indias

· 268 reviews

KM 12 del anillo vial vía a Barranquilla, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

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