Best Computer Classes For Children Cartagena Near Me

Centro Catalina Spanish School BUZOS DE BARU PADI 5 STAR DIVE RESORT Hotel Dann Cartagena Samsung Store in Mall Plaza CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL COLOMBIA Centro de Servicio SAMSUNG - STE SERVICE Kumon Manga Samsung Cartagena International School Domino Volunteers

1. Centro Catalina Spanish School - San Diego

· 87 reviews

Cl. 38 #9-21, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address WhatsApp
Centro Catalina Spanish School: what do users think?
Nicole Chacon: Centro Catalina es un lugar donde todo se hace con pasión y amor. El equipo se esmera en dar lo mejor de sí cada día. No solo se enseña español, también se vive la cultura colombiana con muchas actividades para garantizar una experiencia auténtica más allá del turismo convencional. Aprender español en inmersión cultural garantiza un aprendizaje rápido del idioma. El español de Colombia es considerado por muchos como el mejor para aprender. Las ciudades de Medellín y Cartagena son encantadoras y permiten una experiencia en contextos y regiones muy diversas, entre el Caribe y los Andes.
Camilo Ramirez: Magnifica escuela, aprendi mucho de ustedes. Espero poder volver pronto
Valérie Roy: Gracias por todo! Experiencia genial
Lukas Niemeier: Great school. Perfectly organized with very skilled teachers, good equipment and a lot of fun during classes. I went for 30h/week for two weeks. One in Medellin and one in Cartagena. The Different knowledge levels of the students were taken into account and the groups built fit well together. Thanks again for a great time!
Gaby Sierra: ¡Excelente!
Laura Liszewski: Really nice experience in this school, recommend!
Tom Lovett: I cannot recommend this school enough. I am absolutely amazed that. I'm able to have spontaneous conversations with locals about a host of topics, considering I only did four weeks of classes, starting from zero. I was worried that doing well in classes wouldn't carry over to the real world, but that has not been the case at all.The classes themselves were really enjoyable. My teachers were great, the other students were great. We cracked plenty of jokes while still learning new grammar and vocabulary.The school was very helpful when it came to logistics as well. I literally enrolled on a Friday afternoon for Monday morning classes. Also, the school allowed me to print documents and received a package for me.Cannot recommend this school highly enough.
Laura Shadley: Had a wonderful experience at Centro Catalina - Cartagena. The instructors and staff were outgoing and helpful. School always flew by because it was so much fun. I was nervous to speak with people in Spanish, but I gained a lot of confidence while I was there! The school organized a lot of fun activities that allowed you to experience more of the city. They also organized a trip to Isla Grande on the weekend, which was incredible! I stayed with an awesome host family very close to the school. I can't say enough good things!
Dario Paolillo Mendoza: Super escuela, Muchas gracias, thanks a lot for the great time!The support, activities, treatment and personal are fantastic. Colombia and the School has stolen my heart and they are like a second home and like a Family. May God always bless you in Name of Jesus! Bendiciones mi gente bella
Jim C.: I had a great time a Centro Catalina. The school is located in the historic center of Cartagena, with lots of restaurants, shops and sights in a short walking distance.Teachers and staff are just awesome and made my stay a unique and special experience. Everybody is super friendly and helpful.All in all a great experience, defenitely a school that I can recommend.
lisa muzzin: This is a great place to learn or improve your Spanish. Not only are the teachers and classes of top quality but there are free events most days as well. This helps you to get to know other students and the city and to practice your spanish even more. I really enjoyed my time here. Thanks everyone!
Max N: Great Experience
Yanis GUIGNOUNE: Une école totalement a l’écoute de nos besoin et le tout avec le sourire. Une ambiance géniale du début à la fin. je recommande vivement cette école.
Loris Contro: I spent 6 FUNtastic weeks learning Spanish and everything I could about the Colombian heritage and culture at Centro Catalina, and would have spent a lot more than that if I had had more time. The teachers, facilities, customer service, extra activities and anybody who works in there with great passion: everything was excellent! I attended both schools in Medellin and Cartagena,and I strongly recommend them.
William Zarb: C'est une super école les cours sont très bien organisés , les professeurs sont géniaux. Il y a beaucoup d'activités qui sont organisés chaque jour .
Thomas Augsten: School was great fun, wonderful staff, and evening as well as weekend activities are organized. Stayed for a 1-week elementary course and would come back. Also limited number of affordable rental rooms available in a safe neighborhood.
Emeline Flores: Une super école pour apprendre l'espagnol ! Une super ambiance entre les élèves et les professeurs :)
HAMOOD AL TOQI: Great school great stuff the best experience to learn Spanish highly recommend
Caleb Solofra: Great school! Classes allowed me to dig deep into not only the language but also the culture of Medellín. I have traveled a lot, and this school is the most friendly and made me most comfortable.Here’s a list of other great things:-provided a fantastic host family-top notch classes-good location in Medellín (lots to do)-optional evening activity provided each day (like a movie, salsa classes, etc)-clean facility
Brian Eaten: Perfect Spanish school for a perfect experience. S/o to David
Danny Lee: I truly can recommend centro catalina for every person who wants to learn spanish - doesnt matter which level you have! The facilities, the staff, the teachers and the way they teach are top notch! Every day they have an activity for the afternoon and also for the weekends, like salsa class, movies, city- or graffiti-tours, etc. Also the school is in the middle of centeo historico and so you can find many restaurants, bars and shops just next to it! On this point i want to say MUCHAS GRACIAS to all of the staff, especially to David, who is an amazing "papi"!! All of you, keep going the way you do!! Mucho gusto.. jackie! ;)

2. Kalamarí Spanish School - Centro



· 26 reviews

32 #5-9 St. , La Aduana Square, bldg.Andian, off. 602, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

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3. Ecos-spanishschool - Manga

· 33 reviews

Cra. 17 ##16-05, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Ecos-spanishschool: what do users think?
Jeremy: Top teachers, very good location and facilities. I made huge progress thanks to a well thought programs led by careful and competent teachers. Would come again for sure.
Samuel Basler: Ecos-spanishschool is a perfect place to improve your Spanish in Cartagena. Super relaxed and professional teachers. I took great advantage of my private classes. Five star school!Regards, Samuel
Lukas Baumgärtel: Danke für alles! Ich hatte eine wirklich gute Zeit in der Schule. Die Lehrer waren alle sehr motivierend und das Programm war sehr abwechselungsreich. Ich glaube , ich konnte mein Spanisch verbessern. 👍
Ramon Hegi: Sehr gute Schule um Spanisch zu lernen. Dank den superkompetenten Lehrerinnen kann ich nach zwei Wochen genug Spanisch zum rumreisen. Highlights waren die Kulturellen Aktivitäten, die Tanzkurse und am besten haben mir die Kochstunden gefallen.Danke für die tolle Zeit in Cartagena!
Faria 01082084: Olá,Minha experiência na Escola ECOS foi maravilhosa.Tudo poderia se limitar a competência acadêmica, mas claro, foi muito além disso.O ambiente é maravilhoso, todos extremamente simpáticos e amáveis, com dinâmicas e atividades extracurriculares que nos dão a oportunidade de conhecer a linda e maravilhosa Cartagena de Índias, sob o olhar de quem lá vive.Recomendo muito.Muito obrigado ECOS.Rodrigo e Ana Paula – Brasil.
Cees Crumb: I spent three weeks here, (one of them I stayed with a family) and have really enjoyed myself. Teachers and facilities that you would expect from a German accredited school. Staying with a family just added another dimension to the experience. They match you with a family that suits.The lessons were well structured and I enjoyed learning with my 3 other classmates. The extra curriculum activities were fun. I feel I understand South America a little better and especially this little corner of Colombia. Thank you Team ECOS
scott Woodward: I have had a really enjoyed my three weeks at Ecos-spanish school in Cartagena. I have learned so much in a short time. The teachers are very skilled and make learning fun. Having a basic skill of speaking and understanding Spanish has definitely made it easier and more interesting to travel in Colombia. Muchas gracias Victoria and Team!
Sigrid Rüffert: ECOS bietet eine sehr interessante Kombination von Sprach- und Tanzschule mit vielen interessanten zusätzlich angebotenen Aktivitäten über soziale Projekte, Sport, Sightseeing an. Der Unterricht ist sehr gut und auf individuelle Bedürfnisse abgestimmt, abwechslungsreich, lustig und mit großartigen Lehrern. Getsemaní und das historisches Zentrum können bequem zu Fuß erobert werden. Die Schule hat mir ermöglicht, innerhalb von 7 Tagen sehr viel zu lernen und viele sehr unterschiedliche Dinge erleben zu können. Darüber hinaus war die Gastfreundschaft meiner Gastfamilie überwältigend. Die dringen notwendige Versorgung von Grundschülern mit einfachstem Unterrichtsmaterial in einem Armenviertel im Rahmen eines Sozialprojektes und deren Verteilung vor Ort bei Señora Lorenza hat mich nachhaltig beeindruckt und mir einmal wieder vor Augen geführt, wie wichtig und unabdingbar es ist, mit einfachen und geringen Mitteln direkte Hilfe vor Ort zu leisten.
Aymen Gha: It was a pure pleasure. The whole team is amazing and I met many great students from different parts of the world. I highly recommend the dancing classes too. The school offers many extra group activities in the city. Charming people! I will be back in couple of months 😉
Jacqueline Z: A great place to learn Spanish! The staff is phenomenal.
Adam Poloczek: ECOS ist eine hervorragende Sprachschule. Die Schule habe ich Ende November 2022 für zwei Wochen besucht.Der Unterricht ist sehr gut und ich habe viel in der Zeit gelernt. Neben Unterricht gibt es noch zusätzliche Aktivitäten wie verschiedene Touren, Kochen, Tanzen oder Interaktionen.Bei der nächsten Möglichkeit werde ich an Schule weitermachen.Ich hatte eine großartige Zeit.Mucho gracias equipo ECOS
Engine Room: A fantastic experience. Three weeks of study and fun! I can’t thank the Team of teachers here enough for starting me on my Spanish journey 😁
steve: This is a very good spanish school.I spent a month there and had a wonderful time. The school is well organized. The staff is nice, the teachers are professionals, the activites very cool and always on time. I also had private dance lessons with Francis (una chica 😉 very kind).Something very nice is the air conditioning in the school because it can get really hot depending the time of the year.I decided to stay with a host family chosen by the school and it was clean and confortable and they were very nice.The localisation is perfect. 10 minutes walk and you're in the neighborhood of Getsemani with its magical atmosphere with bars and restaurants.So if you want to improve your spanish and live a cultural experience meeting other students from different countries, I recommend this school without hesitation.Steve, 52 from Canada.
Lucy Golding: I would highly recommend Ecos as your choice of school. The teachers are excellent and they take the time to make sure you fully understand what is being taught. There are free activities 3 times a week where you can learn more Spanish, find out about the local culture, and interact with other students. At the end of each week you have an interactive session with the other students, in which you play games to improve your vocabulary. If I ever come back to Cartagena I would definitely return to Ecos.
Adriana Frazao: Exelente escola!! Pessoal muito amável e atencioso!! Cuidam com muito carinho de todos! Professore nativos e com muita didática! Varias atividades extra classes variadas!! Escola perfeita!
Christoph Körner: Die Sprachschule befindet sich im Zentrum von Cartagena. Nah an der Altstadt und neben Getsemani. Die Lehrer sind alle sehr motiviert und man lernt in kurzer Zeit sehr schnell. Vorab gibt es einen Test, um das eigene Level festzustellen. Vormittags sind dann gemeinsame Stunden mit bis zu 4 anderen Schülern. Am Nachmittag wenn gewünscht dann Einzelunterricht. Super saubere Räumlichkeiten, tolle Aktivitäten 3x wöchentlich am Nachmittag und super Mitarbeiter. Klare Empfehlung an alle, die spanisch lernen wollen.
Ayako Dumont: Je suis actuellement en voyage de 6 mois en Amérique du sud et je souhaitais prendre une semaine de cours d'espagnol pour avoir quelques bases car je n'ai jamais appris auparavant. ECOS m'a donné quelques bases pour pouvoir ensuite apprendre plus sur le terrain.Les professeurs et les cours étaient top. Cependant je recommande ce programme plus pour ceux qui veulent apprendre l'espagnol avec un bonne base grammaticale et pas forcément pour être opérationnel rapidement.Merci à vous pour cette super semaine. C'était très cool !
Ju: Tolle Sprachschule! Es ist eine kleine und sehr familiäre Schule mit guten und motivierten Lehrern. Zu Beginn wird ein Einstufungstest gemacht und dann werde entsprechende Gruppen gebildet. Besonders gut haben mir die kulturellen Aktivitäten wie Bachata Kurs und Kochstunde gefallen. Freitags gab es für alle Schüler eine gemeinsame Stunde, die viel Spaß gemacht hat. Für deutsche Arbeitnehmer vielleicht noch interessant: die Schule wird für Bildungsurlaub anerkannt. Ich kann sie sehr empfehlen und komme bestimmt wieder!!
Andrea Castañeda Nomelin: I had a wonderful time at Ecos. Everyone was very kind and helped me with everything! Vale la pena!!!
Victoria Mestre: Excelent school. Professional teachers and you can take also dancing lesson, cooking lessons and one tour with your Spanish lessons.
Sha Taheri: Going to the Ecos spanishschool was the best thing we did. The staff are very professional and great teacher and as well very kind and caring. I could never imagine learning so much in only one week. Thank you so much everyone who works at Ecos. I highly recommend this school in Cartagena. It's worth going there just for this experience.In addition to the classes, everyday we had supplemental activities that supported our learning to speak Spanish and practice with local people. The family Ecos found for us to stay at was wonderful people. We live them and still keep in touch. They spent lots of time with us at meals and after school to practice our speaking skills. It was an amazing experience. Muchas gracias.


· 100 reviews

bocagrande carrera 1 numero 2-87 hotel caribe local 9, tel 5-6657061 movil +57 3205732045, Cartagena De Indias (Distrito Turístico Y Cultural), Bolívar, Colombia

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BUZOS DE BARU PADI 5 STAR DIVE RESORT: what do users think?
Nicole Burson: This was our first time ever scuba diving and we had an incredible experience. Santiago spoke English to us and made us feel very comfortable and safe the whole time. The company really looks out for the environment! They gave us fruit and water and snacks in between dives. We saw squid, puffer fish, and many more kinda of fish next to corals and shipwrecks. Thank you, Santiago and crew!
Magdalena Quirno Lavalle: Excellent diving experience! Álvaro accompanied us with great kindness and his great experience as a PADI diver. Highly recommended, hopefully we can return soon!
John Edison Muñoz Cardona: Great place to get your PADI certificates. The location is very convenient, I did my training with Alvaro, a very patient and friendly guy that helped us through the diving process. They were very attentive at the beginning with the theoretical lessons, always making sure you completed all the requirements. The only aspect for improving is the social media since the communication was a bit rude at the beginning, probably without intention, but could be missinterpreted.
Nuria Arnaiz: Punctual when picking me up at the port of my hotel, the rented equipment in very good condition and the DM with good group management.Juan, who coordinates reservations, very attentive.
Cat: First scuba diving experience and couldn’t have asked more a more professional, friendly and knowledgeable staff. I was able to practice in the pool a day before with our Scuba Instructor Alvaro which made me feel more comfortable. Highly recommend this team. Easy payment, prompt communication, Spanish and English speaking. And the pictures/short video clips of us diving came out wonderful. Truly a great experience!
Joe Giacomet: Had a great dive with them, Albert was our dive master. Would recommend.
Felix Enescu: Did a two dive trip in January and all was ok.Equipment was in good condition and worked perfectly, dive master was professional and handled everything very well.Boat was ok, water and fruit were served between dives.I was in a group with only one another certified diver and dive master. All the groups on the boat were small and set according to experience.Special thanks to my dive master, when we finished my first dive, I still had a lot of air (other diver was a big air consumer) so the dive master went only with me for another shorter dive ( about 20 minutes). Of course we end the dive above safety level at 600 psi.
Juan Felipe Lopez Sierra: Very professional, diving with small children and they are very accompanied
Victoria Var-Heibak: Had a great time! I hadn’t been in a year so I was a little nervous and rusty but they made me feel super comfortable and the dive experience itself was gorgeous.
Sergio Alejandro Mejía Orrego: Very good experience, I got certified a few months ago, I went back to diving with Divers de Barú, I hope to continue doing it and go for the next levels of certification. Very good instructors and diving places.THANK YOU
Jason Herzfeld: Buzos de Barú was very helpful in organizing our group and making sure we all had a safe and fun time! Very easygoing bunch with good fresh fruit on board, as well as great pictures!
Gabriel Matei: Great experience, 2 dives with pictures and videos included for a really good price and the areas are full with fishes, corals, even a boat! I definitely recommend them for someone who's not certified because they are taking care of you✌️✌️✌️
Camila Sirolli: An unforgettable experience! Very good professionals, thank you very much for the accompaniment on my first dive! Hopefully I can come back!The best of Cartagena, hold on Baru Divers! Super equipped everything. Thanks for the good vibes, greetings from Argentina 🇦🇷🇦🇷Oh and the crazy photos! Thanks to my instructor Eduardo for capturing beautiful moments 📸📽️🌊
Nigel Bouckley: This is a five star resort for a reason. All the staff are very friendly, knowledgeable and profesional in their conduct of training. Safety is important to them and during my last two courses with them I felt safe and assured that they were looking after my welfare.The dive sights were interesting and varied and they catered for the abilities of those on the boat, often having several instructors / guides leading the various groups.My instructor for the week was Santiago, who spoke very good English as well as being a good communicator under water.I will definitely be back this year for more dives and learning - thank you all.
Alexandra M Solano Reyes: I would dare to say that Buzos de Barú is the most complete diving center in Cartagena. The attention before, during and after the experience is excellent. They are my trusted dive center in Cartagena. Thanks for everything! 💙🧜‍♀️
M Masry: Some of the best diving I had in years.Staff is great, boat is clean, and a sublime operation. I have been diving for 35 years and teaching for 25, I would not do it any better. Thank you very much.
Danielle Osfalg: I really enjoyed and had a great time with this company. First of all, the owner Juan made it so easy to sign up and all the paper work etc was easily accessible via internet. He and staff was also kind enough to pick me up from a boat I was on and bring me back because we had a dinghy problem. The dive masters were extremely helpful and friendly and spoke English and took very good care of us before, during and after our diving experience. The most important was the safety of each person and and they observed and paid good attention to everyone s needs. We did 2 dives at the island of Baru (which was a short distance from Cartagena from Nautica Marina ) and both were very different and interesting. First one was a lot of marine life, fish , corals etc but the second one was even more interesting with the addition of a sunken shipwreck and some cool objects covered in barnacles ( which i don’t want to give details so not to spoil the surprise) . On top of that i did not have a camera and my divemaster not only guiding us thru and paying attention to safety but also made the day unforgettable with the beautiful pictures he took of us during our dive session ( which i will share some here and THANKYOU again! You rock! 🤘🐬😘).So from my point of view I highly recommend Juan and the scuba team . Thank you guys!! I hope to visit Cartagena and find you again for some more fun diving adventures! Till then..
Franco Chirizzi: Excellent place for diving. The previous training and accompaniment are 10
Daniel Soba: The attention of the entire team was impeccable.I did a Refresh because it had been 2 years since I had dived. From Juan who immediately solved a problem I had with my credit card to Santiago the Instructor who was excellent, always attentive to everything.highly recommended
Ronald Pichler: Very profesional crew and divemaster. Good english. Well run organization
Ronald Ortega: The experience was absolutely amazing, the team is knowledgeable, they have great patience and safety first attitude. I love it, next time in town, I will make the time for certification. Thanks a lot guys, sincerely Ronald O.

5. Hotel Dann Cartagena - El Laguito

· 1672 reviews

Avenida Las Velas No 1-60, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia

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Hotel Dann Cartagena: what do users think?
Tatica Castelblanco Reyes: Excellent hotel, very friendly staff, delicious food, highly recommendedFood & drinks: Muy ricos cocteles ,comida deliciosa ,solo un poco costosa ,de resto muy bien
Estefania Bueno: The service is excellent, the staff is super friendly, the pool is large, it has access to the sea, the experience was very good, I recommend it
Demetrio Castro: very good everythingRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury, Great view, Kid-friendly …More
Ludys Arevalo: Rooms: Habitaciones amplías y frescasSafety: Vigilancia 24 horasFood & drinks: Excelentes comidas típicas de Colombia
Matthew: Very nice rooms the people are very nice if you are looking for a place to stay come to hotel DannRooms: The rooms were very clean you can get a view of the Cartagena beachSafety: Very safeWalkability: There are good places to eat they always have taxis at the hotel ready to go
Maricela Garcia: Good experience, very well located place. super good serviceRooms: Limpias y ordenadas
MYRIAM MONROY: It was beautiful to be there.Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury, Great view, Romantic, Quiet, Kid-friendly, Great value, High-tech …More
ORO *: Excellent
Blanca Barreto: Super 👌Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 …More
YUBER GARCIA: All went great! nice service and cool staffRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 …More
Milton Antonio Camargo Casallas: Excellent facilities and all its staff always friendly and attentive to collaborate.
Omking NAB: J'ai terminé dans cet hôtel de luxe après avoir passé la soirée avec une fille de Bogotá... Quel cadre et petit déj trop bien sauf les jus sans sucres sans goût c'était chiant sinon rien à dire
Cecilia Lizarzaburu: Rooms: Muy cómodasRooms: 4/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 4/5Hotel highlights Quiet, Great value …More

6. Hilton Cartagena Hotel - El Laguito

· 5021 reviews

Avenida Almirante Brion, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia

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Hilton Cartagena Hotel: what do users think?
Wilson Gonzalez Padilla: excellentRooms: 4/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 4/5 …More
Walter Oviedo: Traditional hotel in Cartagena excellent beaches, very quiet
carlos alvarez: Great hotel, luxury, large and clean rooms, good service, cool place, very rich dinner buffet.
Jorge Carrillo: Without words...Rest in the Heroic!!!Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury …More
Maribel Soto: Rooms: Excelente servicio en limpiezaRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury …More
R H: Visiting Cartagena for a few days, I got a room for a couple of days. Nice hotel with easy beach access. Service is very good. Stay in Executive 👑 size room on 8th floor. I would recommend this hotel. Cost is. $249.00 nightly or 120 points.Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 …More
Alexander Pinzon: DANGEROUS... UNRESPONSIBLE... I stayed in this hotel in May, my mother suffered an accident around the pool and this hotel does not have trained personnel, nor do they have any protocol for these cases. My mom fell silent and lost consciousness for a few minutes and the lifeguard who was nearby brought me a cream to spread. The lack of knowledge in an accident like this is noticeable, an ambulance was never called to immobilize her, I had to pick her up after she fell and take her to the hospital in a taxi. The result of the fall was 3 fractured ribs and a vertebra. So far I have not heard anything from the hotel or from the hotel insurance company. If you are looking for a safe site with a greater sense of responsibility. do not stay at the hilton in cartagena.
Uwe Tropf: Alles ausgezeichnet. Eines der wenigen Hotels hier mit direktem Strandzugang und grosser Poollandschaft. Liegen waren immer vorhanden.Upgrade auf Meerblick als Statusmitglied habe ich bekommem.Die Zimmer sind sauber, modern eingerichtet, auch gut zum Arbeiten ausgestattet.Frühstück sehr reichhaltig, gerade bei den lokalen Gerichten kann man fast jeden Tag was neues ausprobieren. Station für Omelett und frische Säfte.Executive Lounge von 12-20 Uhr geöffnet mit kleinen Snacks, Obst, Limonaden und Kaffeemaschine und durchgehend mit 2 freundlichen Mitarbeitern besetzt. 18-20 Uhr gibt es kleine warme Gerichte, Vorspeisen, Nachspeisen, Bier,Rotwein und Weisswein. Es war bis auf das Wochende nicht überlaufen und hat eine sehr schöne Aussicht.Zu Fuss kann man mehrere Restaurants und Bars erreichen und durch Bocagrande bummeln, Ich habe mich auch abends sicher gefühlt.
Cristian Andres Peña Avila: Very quiet, good attention from the staff.
Francisco Bejarano Rodriguez: Excellent service, adequate facilitiesRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5 …More
GABRIEL MUNDARAIN: Rooms: De lujoRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury …More
Robe Ibarra: A perfume was stolen from us, we complained for 2 days. And magically the perfume was back in the room.Safety: Nos robaron un perfume.
Dilan Cortés: Good service.Nearby activities: Mar

7. Samsung Store in Mall Plaza - Cartagena de Indias

· 88 reviews

Cl. 32 #Carrera 13 #31-4, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Samsung Store in Mall Plaza: what do users think?
Halsey Hayley: You can't even get original fucking headphones here.
Ariel Enrique De la Ossa Lora: There is support; if there isBut do not expect good attention, nor agility, nor pertinent attention from the lines of communication, in advance I recommend you have the Samsung Bogotá support number, since many processes are unknown by those in charge, and it will be necessary for you to you are the ones who explain how to make guarantees.
Humberto Caro: The landline is always busy. It is the day for you to call to follow up on the cell phones that you send to be repaired
Dorian Castro: descompleta en el que faltaba el lapiz optico , en donde no respondieron por el articulo faltante, argumentando que yo no lo habia llevado y elllos no habian recibido, hasta este momento su respuesta es que no parece una falta respeto y de seriedad su servicio con el cliente.(Translated by Google


· 31 reviews

Cra. 61 #72104, Barranquilla, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Atlántico, Colombia

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9. Servicio técnico LG Express - Pie del Cerro

· 60 reviews

Av. Pedro De Heredia ##10B-18, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Servicio técnico LG Express: what do users think?
Harold Rodriguez: Excellent service.
Kath: He gave us the wrong diagnosis. He charged us more money than agreed just for the visit.
Wilmer Porto: Excellent service and they are very honest I never had a problem I recommend them
yoniris Hernandez: It is a very good service, these technicians are notAnd they don't dress like that either. I have known them for many years
Eloy Porto: Company with fake account. Scammers stole $800,000. They said motorcycle burned I gave them the money, they never showed up again.False address, they did not answer the phone.Scammers don't hire them.Thieves.
Jaime Luna Pacheco: Yeah
Micaela Montes marques: Good
Gregoriohsfddkgfdkyde Very good fast and very honest serviceI recommend them
Sandra Ludy: Excellent service
Fabio Banda: Excellent service, good presentation and it is guaranteed
Jose Caraballo correo: Decent work of lg Express very satisfied with their work
Marlon Rodriguez: Excellent technical service...responsible and timely
Ceballos Hernández Yaniris: Excellent attention and very honest
Luis Cavallazzi: Optimal and efficient service !!!
Francisco Javier: electrodomésticos de la marca LG, comprados en exterior. Sin embargo si le reciben el costo del diagnostico el cual es de $50.000 por cada electrodoméstico. Para el caso de un horno microondas no pudieron conseguir un repuesto y para el caso de una lavadora de carga frontal vino un técnico hasta mi casa a decirme lo que yo ya sabia con respecto al daño de la misma, sin ni siquiera inspeccionar el equipo o diagnosticarlo. Los dos casos anteriores bajo el mismo argumento de que ellos no pueden conseguir los repuestos para equipos comprados en el extrajero. El argumento lo dan después de que han recibido el pago por diagnostico o después de que hacen venir dizque un técnico a no hacer nada. Que falta de respeto y abuso con el cliente. Se me hace imposible que un servicio técnico dizque especializado y exclusivo de la marca no pueda pedir, conseguir o importar así sea desde Corea los repuestos que requiera cualquier electrodoméstico de la marca, con tanta globalización y comercio electrónico presente. Por otro lado el servicio al cliente pésimo, para el caso del horno, me toco ir cuatro veces personalmente para que me informaran sobre el avance del diagnostico. No son capaces de llamar e informar el avance o el estado en que se encuentra el electrodoméstico. El horno duro casi un mes, para que al cabo de este tiempo me dijeran lo que ya comente. Este centro aplica definitivamente la Ley del menor esfuerzo. Definitivamente esto solo se ve en Colombia.(Translated by Google
diego leonardo Zuñiga Ortiz: I found what I was looking
Eliecer Castellano: They never answered the calls
OLIVER ORTEGA GUZMAN: Lousy service, first they don't answer calls, second poor quality spare parts... three screens have been changed and all with the same problem. I do not recommend
Juan David Oramas: Terrible service I have tried 2 times they say they deliver to home and they do not contact
Angel Reyes: Good service, I have requested service and they have repaired my TV.
Kenny Espitia: It has public parking for its clients

10. Centro de Servicio SAMSUNG - STE SERVICE - Cartagena de Indias

· 16 reviews

Cra 69 # 31A-37 Urb. Contadora 1 Casa 5, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Centro de Servicio SAMSUNG - STE SERVICE: what do users think?
alberto velez: Terrible customer service!!! Of the worst!! I do not recommend it for the world! They never answer the cell phone or messages!!! If I could I would put a 0
Ana Gonzaldz: I received timely care.Trained, friendly and uniformed staff.
Laura González: Excellent service 👌
VICTOR TORRES BLANDON: Qualified technical service
Mary Ceballos: Excellent, very good attention.
Fabiola Ipuana: They attended me on time, I recommend it
Juan Pablo González Pinzón: Servicio oportuno y de calidad
Fabian Palomino: Excelente servicio al cliente
willman pajaro: Excelente y buen servicio técnico lo recomiendo
Elber Febles: excellent
Andres David Lopez Lozano: Excelente servicio 👍🏻
Monica Bossio: Mi experiencia fue buen con el servicio me solucionaron el inconveniente del electrodomestico
karii guzman: Tuve muy buena experiencia
Valerio Rafael Mendoza Silva (El Rafis Rafis): Excelente muy buena atención
Jessica Judex: Me ayudaron a gestionar el cambio de mi nevera que no tenía reparación
Deivis Calle: I did not see entry

11. Kumon Manga - Manga

· 4 reviews

Cra. 22 ## 28 - 28 Piso 2, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp


· 3 reviews

Casi esquina con Calle 22, Cl. 26 #22 - 25, Cartagena de Indias, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

13. Samsung Experience Store Mall Plaza Cartagena - Cartagena de Indias

· 3 reviews

Calle 31 #13 #31-4 Calle 30 Mall Plaza, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Samsung - Cartagena de Indias

· 2 reviews

Dg. 31 ## 71-130, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Colegio AeioTU Lomas del Peye - Cartagena de Indias

· 1 reviews

Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia


16. Cartagena International School - Cartagena de Indias

· 14 reviews

KM 14 VÍA DE PONTEZUELA, Bayunca, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

17. Kumon Bocagrande - Bocagrande

C.Com, Av. San Martín #Local 219, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

18. Domino Volunteers - Centro

Cl. 32 ##8-22 Oficina 1306, Cartagena de Indias, Cartagena, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

19. Rainbow Arteterapia - Cartagena de Indias

Boquilla #9 calle 34 Cartagena 102, Provincia de Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia

Address WhatsApp

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