Best Driving Lessons Cartagena Near Me

Centro de Enseñanza Internacional Nueva Lengua - Cartagena Centro de Enseñanza Automovilístico GRAND PRIXS Cartagena Divers Centro De Buceo PADI 5 Estrellas Crazy Salsa, Salsa School

1. Centro de Enseñanza Internacional - Manga

· 0 reviews

Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, BolĂ­var, Colombia


2. Nueva Lengua - Cartagena - GetsemanĂ­



· 103 reviews

Calle 28 (Callejon ancho) # 10b 52, Barrio GetsemanĂ­. Cartagena, Provincia de Cartagena, BolĂ­var, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Nueva Lengua - Cartagena: what do users think?
Lily Meng: I had a great experience at Nueva Lengua, the teachers and staff are very nice and patient. They have good methods and offer many free fun activities after school. èż™äžȘć­Šæ ĄćŸˆäžé”™ïŒŒć–œæŹąæˆ‘çš„è€ćžˆïŒŒæ•™è‚Čæ–čæł•ć’Œèźžć€šć…èŽčçš„èŻŸäœ™æŽ»ćŠšă€‚
Arielle Bernardin: I recently attended Nueva Lengua Cartagena Spanish School for 3 weeks and it was by far the best 3 weeks ever. The school was amazing with wonderful and knowledgeable teachers like Paula and Carolina. Paula was incredibly patient and kind, while Carolina went above and beyond with her engaging and upbeat teaching style. I miss them both dearly! They made learning so much fun that we looked forward to attending classes each day.On top of that, the weekly activities organized by the school were incredibly fun and entertaining; I always looked forward to them and especially loved how they put up a clear schedule on the wall to inform us about them. I also had the opportunity to meet such wonderful people from all around the world that I still keep in contact with. Thanks to their excellent teaching methods and engaging activities, my Spanish has improved tremendously.I would highly recommend Nueva Lengua to anyone who wants to learn or better their Spanish while having a great time. Thank you, Nueva Lengua Cartagena Spanish School, for an unforgettable experience!
Kaili Barnes: I came to Nueva Lengua to learn medical Spanish for my future care. I have only been here for 4 days and my Spanish has gotten so much better! The way they teach her is so incredible! The teachers a very supportive and you can tell they love their jobs! Everyone I have met here has said that this is one of the top programs in the world and I definitely think that is true. This program brings in so many people from so many different countries and it’s so wonderful to be around them all. My first week I have Gaby and Mayra as my teachers and they a wonderful!! I’m so excited for the next 4 weeks here!
Loes de Smet: My boyfriend and I followed the intense Spanish course for two weeks at the start of our trip to Colombia. The experience was amazing! The communication with the office went smoothely and the activities after school are fun and a great way to practice your Spanish. Our teachers (Mayra and Carolina) were really professional and you can see they have a passion for teaching and the Spanish language. They always motivated us and made learning a new language so much fun. We have learned so much in two weeks! Would definitely recommend others to go there as well.
Thomas Avedissian: Did 2 weeks of Spanish school at Nueva Lengua and it was a great learning experience! The teachers are very professional and fun (special shoutout to Mayra and Carolina) and the activities the school organizes are a great way to learn about Cartagena and Colombian culture.
Lord North YoungBoy: Nueva Lengua est une Ă©cole incroyable, situĂ© dans le centre ville de Cartagena. Je recommande vivement cette expĂ©rience. Des professeurs compĂ©tant et Ă  l’écoute des Ă©tudiants
Jaqueline Marcelino: Foi uma Ăłtima experiĂȘncia. Os professores sĂŁo excelentes, e temos a oportunidade de conhecer pessoas de todo o mundo enquanto aprendemos.
Nicole Jeandupeux: TrÚs bonne école, j'ai fait beaucoup de progrÚs en 1 semaine, les cours sont bien structurés entre théorie et pratique et les profs sont trÚs sympas et arrangeants !
sammy habes: L Ă©cole offre des cours de tout niveau, j’aime leur mĂ©thode d apprentissage qui me semble ĂȘtre efficace. Ils sont trĂšs sympathiques.
Andressa Roque: Tive uma experiĂȘncia incrĂ­vel! Os professores e todos os profissionais da escola foram maravilhosos do começo ao fim. Uma oportunidade incrĂ­vel de conhecer a cidade, alĂ©m de conhecer pessoas novas e melhorar o Espanhol. Recomendo muito.
Honorine Desilles: J’ai adorĂ© apprendre l’espagnol au sein de cette Ă©cole ! Tout s’est trĂšs bien passĂ© entre la qualitĂ© des professeurs, les groupes de petite taille qui permettent de progresser rapidement et la qualitĂ© des activitĂ©s incluses ! Merci
Kleber Francisco da Silva: É uma escola com arquitetura charmosa, a estrutura Ă© colonial e os professores sĂŁo muito receptivos. A comida Ă© muito gostosa e as atividades extras sĂŁo muito legais. Aprendemos Espanhol o dia todo praticamente, fiquei duas semanas estudando na escola e tive muita troca cultural, jĂĄ estou com saudades e vontade de voltar.
Elias: Tiden min pÄ Nueva Lengua i Cartagena var et minne for livet. Skolen har en fantastisk lokasjon i hjertet av Cartagena. Jeg var der i 10 dager og ble utrolig godt motatt. Jeg hadde Carolina som lÊrer og WOW, for en evne til Ä lÊre bort. Vi avsluttet alltid med 1 time med fokus pÄ kommunikasjon, hvor Kevin var helt strÄlende. Aktivitetene etter skolen var ogsÄ veldig gÞy, fordi du utforsket byen pÄ mÄter du elles aldri ville gjort. Jeg kan virkelig anbefale denne skolen til andre reisende.
ian paul: The school is a great place to enrol. The teachers are helpful, friendly and assist you regardless of what level of Spanish you have. It’s a great place to mix with like minded travellers so it doesn’t matter if you enrol by yourself or with a travelling buddy as there are daily activities for you to interact with fellow travellers if you choose to. I was fortunate to have Kevin, Mayra, Carolina and Paola as my main teachers but also had the pleasure of having Eli the dance teacher who is packed full of energy to help me going from having 2 left feet to pulling of salsa, merengue and bachata dance routines. I’m happy to have spent my time here.
Eve B: Ich habe fĂŒr zwei Wochen an der Schule Nueva Lengua einen Spanischkurs gemacht. Die Schule hat eine sehr gute Lage in Getsemani, einem bunten belebten Viertel. Meine Gastfamilie wohnt im Stadtteil Manga in 15 Minuten Fußweg von der Schule entfernt. Mir haben die beiden Wochen Unterricht sehr viel gebracht. Wir haben viel Theorie gelernt und wiederholend geĂŒbt. Dabei wurde ausschließlich Spanisch gesprochen. Die beiden Lehrerinnen Mayra und Ana haben den Unterricht sehr gut gestaltet und uns sehr viel Geduld entgegengebracht. Es war eine angenehme AtmosphĂ€re in der Klasse. Die GruppengrĂ¶ĂŸe war mit 4-5 Leuten perfekt als Intensivkurs. Das Unterrichtsmaterial war auch sehr ĂŒbersichtlich. Nachmittags wurden viele verschiedene kostenlose AktivitĂ€ten von der Schule angeboten, z.B. Kochkurse, AusflĂŒge in der Stadt (Burg, Museum), KajakausflĂŒge am Strand und in die Mangroven. Die Unterrichtszeiten von 9-13 Uhr haben sehr gut gepasst um den Nachmittag noch zu nutzen. Ich habe zusĂ€tzlich zum Spanischkurs noch einen Tanzkurs gemacht. Wir hatten sehr viel Spaß und ich habe in die Salsa, Bachata und Merengue gelernt. Muchas gracias!
Nico Le: Ich habe insgesamt zwei Wochen lang die Sprachschule Nueva Lengua in Cartagena besucht und war so begeistert, dass ich nach einer Woche verlĂ€ngert habe. Die Schule befindet sich direkt im zentralen, coolen Stadtteil Getsemani. Ich wohnte bei einer kolumbianischen Familie 20 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt. Der Unterricht fand von 9-13 Uhr statt, es wurde nur spanisch gesprochen.In der Schule wurde ein leckeres preisgĂŒnstiges Mittagessen angeboten, GetrĂ€nke waren frei.Selbst Lehrerin, war ich von den modernen Lehrmethoden und der Vielfalt der Aufgaben angenehm ĂŒberrascht. Der Unterricht wurde professionell vorbereitet, war gut strukturiert und dem Niveau der Gruppe angepasst. Die LehrkrĂ€fte sind sehr gut ausgebildet, motiviert und freundlich. Ich habe die Grammatik gut verstanden und große Fortschritte im Lesen, Schreiben und Verstehen von spanischen Texten gemacht. Jeden Nachmittag wurden zusĂ€tzlich kostenlose GruppenaktivitĂ€ten angeboten, z.B. Koch- und Tanzkurse oder AusflĂŒge in die nĂ€here Umgebung.Ich habe eine tolle Zeit in Cartagena verbracht, das karibische Urlaubsfeeling sehr genossen und kann diese Sprachschule uneingeschrĂ€nkt empfehlen.
MĂ©lissa VALSIN: J'ai Ă©normĂ©ment apprĂ©ciĂ© mon sĂ©jour de 2 semaines Ă  l'Ă©cole de Cartagena au mois de fĂ©vrier dernier. Toute l'Ă©quipe a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs accueillante et ça a Ă©tĂ© un plaisir d'Ă©tudier au sein de Nueva lengua.MalgrĂ© ma courte durĂ©e de sĂ©jour, mes professeurs Gerald et Mayra m'ont permis de bien progresser en espagnol et en plus, les cours ont toujours Ă©tĂ© passionnants.De plus, les activitĂ©s de l'Ă©cole Ă©taient trĂšs diversifiĂ©es et m'ont permis de connaĂźtre davantage la culture colombienne; j'ai d'ailleurs mĂȘme pu dĂ©couvrir le carnaval de Barranquilla grĂące Ă  Cynthia, organisatrice de l'Ă©vĂšnement au sein de l'Ă©cole.L'Ă©cole est trĂšs bien situĂ©e au coeur du magnifique quartier colorĂ© de Getsemani, oĂč il rĂšgne une ambiance festive en permanence.La bonne humeur gĂ©nĂ©rale au quotidien et le sourire de l'ensemble du personnel de cette Ă©cole ont rendu mon sĂ©jour inoubliable.Aujourd'hui, mon seul regret au sujet de cette Ă©cole aura Ă©tĂ© de ne pas avoir pu y rester plus longtemps.
Serafim: A Escola Nueva Lengua Ă© incrĂ­vel, certamente eu posso dizer que aqui formamos uma famĂ­lia, eu fui muito bem recebido pelos colegas de classe, funcionĂĄrios e todos os Professores (as) sĂŁo muito amĂĄveis e solicitos, Eles (as) conhecem e dominam o idioma e me ajudaram muito na imersĂŁo ao Español. Adorei a experiĂȘncia e em breve vou trazer o meu filho aqui para fazer o curso e intercĂąmbio. Eu recomendo a escola, amigo (a) Brasileiro venha ter uma boa experiĂȘncia inesquecĂ­vel na Escola Nueva Lengua. Saludos đŸ‡§đŸ‡·đŸ‡šđŸ‡Ž.
Robert Parkin: Professional, supportive, excellent tutors, amazingly good value.. highly recommended!
Domi RĂŒttimann: Die sechs Monate, die ich bei Nueva Lengua verbracht habe, waren unglaublich bereichernd. Der Unterricht war erstklassig und die Lehrer waren professionell und generell sehr gut. Das Tagesprogramm war vielfĂ€ltig und ermöglichte es mir, meine Sprachkenntnisse praktisch beim Tanzen oder bei AusflĂŒgen anzuwenden. Die AtmosphĂ€re in der Sprachschule war einladend und unterstĂŒtzend. Insgesamt kann ich Nueva Lengua uneingeschrĂ€nkt empfehlen.
Arnold Bregman: I have had a great time at Nueva Lengua Cartagena. I combined my Spanish lessons with a business trip. The teachers are professional and push you to communicate in Spanish on the first day. Also, they organize everyday an activity in the city so you can learn and practice your Spanish with locals and other students.

3. Centro de Enseñanza Automovilístico GRAND PRIXS - Cartagena de Indias

· 6 reviews

Av. Pedro de Heredia sector, carrera 31# #55-84 Segundo Piso, Cartagena de Indias, BolĂ­var, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Centro de Enseñanza Automovilístico GRAND PRIXS: what do users think?
ORLANDO MANUEL AMARIS DEL CASTILLO: Excellent school, good environment

4. Cartagena Divers Centro De Buceo PADI 5 Estrellas - San Diego

· 55 reviews

Cra. 10 #39-190, Cartagena de Indias, Provincia de Cartagena, BolĂ­var, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp
Cartagena Divers Centro De Buceo PADI 5 Estrellas: what do users think?
ANA ISABEL RENDON: Very special attention ... very professional and friendly. Super recommended Isabel and Alberto
Stephanie Mirando: Wonderful dive operation! Great experience! My 14-year-old son and I took the Peak Buoyancy Specialty course, and our son also took the Enriched Air course with John. John, as well as the entire crew, was very knowledgeable, attentive, and patient. We really appreciate the great dive experience they provided and highly recommend them.
Shei Alamk: o con los demås miembros del equipo en caso de que algo pasara, muy contenta con mi instructor siempre sabía tranquilizarme y animarme a seguir. Pasé un rato muy agradable con todos los miembros ambos días. Muy recomendado!(Translated by Google
Danielle Pastore: This dive company is great!We went on a 2 tank dive. The first was an artificial reef, the second was a reef forest.During both dives, the crew were very aware of overtones needs. They took great care of everyone on the boat. This includes recapping the basic communication signs, discussing the plan, checking our gear, changing our tanks, making sure everyone was comfortable and giving extra care to those who need it.Camilo was our guide and he was fantastic!Everything was organized and clear!
Zandra Kardozo Montoya: Excellent diving center. They are serious, responsible and committed to the student or novice diver. I trust 100% in their instructors and staff, they put their hearts into everything they do and once you meet their owners you love them as friends. They are wonderful people. They offer elements and equipment of the best quality, with adequate operation and up-to-date maintenance.
Andy Ferguson: Thank you for a great scuba experience. John was a terrific guide; very patient and helpful particularly for our youngest when he had some challenges.
Connor _017: Super nette crew, toller Ausflug
Lucille Bailleux: We had 2 great dives in this center, perfect conditions and great atmosphere. Thank you Isabel, Cammilo and John đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ
Shay Orent: Unfortunately I did not have a good experience here and after debating about it quite a bit I've decided to write a review. More experienced divers may not have this problem and it seems like other first-time divers rated this company highly, but personally as an inexperienced diver I did not feel safe. I did the PADI Open Water course and though I liked my instructor, I didn't like the way the school or my instructor operated. I expected to start in a pool or shallow water and was surprised to immediately be put on a boat and taken out to open water. The instruction I received before we started diving felt quick and inadequate to me. There were many moments that my online PADI training helped me keep myself safe, but had I not remembered that training I believe I would have been in danger as I don't think that important safety lessons were emphasized. There was one moment where remembering my online training prevented me from inhaling water 30-40 feet below the surface, which has been haunting me ever since. I also felt like my concerns were dismissed when I pointed out that we were swimming super close to the coral. I really wish the best for everyone who works here, but I also want safety-concerned inexperienced divers to be aware that there are probably better options. And if the school is not pleased by this review, I hope that motivates them to review their training and policies.
Mario M: They are both fully equipped and locally owned. Their crew was friendly and very knowledgeable. Special tks to Edwin!. Isabel showed me a lot and she knew how to elevate my experience in the water through all 4 immersions. I did buoyancy and Nitrox specialties. Everything was planned and taken care in a fashion timely matter (Tks to Alberto). I fully recommend them either if you are a beginner or an advance diver. The diving sites include sunken Army boats and pristine coral reefs around BARU island just a few minutes away from Cartagena.
Liliana PĂ©rez Cardona: The sea is beautiful, but the "bottom" of the sea is definitely one of the most wonderful places, living the experience with this company is the best thing that has happened to me in my life. Professionalism, human quality, excellent customer service, kindness. They make you feel like you are friends with them. The best instructors, especially DANIEL, without his help and his professionalism with a great deal of human quality, I don't think I would have made it. Grateful to life for living this experience and finding this diving center for it. Happiness and tranquility. That gave me cartagena divers
Yaneth Martinez: Excellent!!
imunozcuervo: . Al final, solo me queda agradecerles a todos y desearles mucho Ă©xito y prosperidad en su actividad profesional, que sigan buceando y disfruten lo que hacen(Translated by Google
Tim Howells: Highly recommended. We were late docking on cruise ship but they waited an hour for us!Great team of staff , great snorkelling too.
Lina M Velez R: the best diving center with the best instructors and friends of bubbles
Claudia Barrios: We had a great experience with Cartagena Divers. We did 2 days (4 dives), all in different sites. The owners and crew are extremely professional, friendly and knowledgeable. They all went out of their way to make sure we were happy with the dive sites, gear and payment process. When we asked about photos, (we don’t have any from previous dives) they were quick to set that up for us, we tipped Ana for the photos because she did an amazing job, and she was using her own gopro camera and flash light. Alberto, also took photos with his own camera after he found out we didn’t have any photos from our previous dives, he was super helpful and provided valuable advice about which masks to purchase. He even offered to treat and prep our newly purchased masks before our first dive. They have a good selection of masks! Shout out to Daniel and Ana, our dive guides, both super friendly and knowledgeable. We felt very safe during the dives and the crew was super fun.
Eduardo Micomed: Super recommended I went with my family to a mini course I went diving since I have certification, it exceeded my expectations very professional excellent transportation and the diving experience above all safety issues are very important I recommend this site a very special thanks to the work done by Daniel professional diver and the assistant Edwin who was aware of my companions.
Geneller Naranjo: Maybe one of the safest places to go for a great dive.
Estelle SIMONET: Our best memory in Cartagena. Thanks to John and everyone. We had a blast :D
Luis Fueyo: Kindness, professionalism and desire to please. My experience with Cartagena Divers has been very good. I have known Alberto Lotero for 19 years and since then, every time we dive together, he discovers new things for me. The location of Cartagena Divers is magnificent, the service is very good, the instructors and divemasters are very attentive, the boat is very comfortable and the investments are wonderful. Highly recommend this dive center.
Laura Garcia: Amazing scuba diving with Malcon in Providencia!! We really enjoyed the island we spent with him! Very appealing!

5. Crazy Salsa, Salsa School - Centro

· 62 reviews

Carrera 8 #8-85 Av. Carlos EscallĂłn Ed. Banco Santander of. 301 Frente al Parque de las Flores, Provincia de Cartagena, BolĂ­var, Colombia

Address WhatsApp
Crazy Salsa, Salsa School: what do users think?
Sharom Andrea: We had so much fun during our class and having Esteban as an instructor was a great experience. He was very friendly, patient and thorough explaining the different steps, how to lead and how to follow. My friends and I would’ve come back if we were to stay longer in Cartagena ❀
Aline aline: I had a lot of fun. I went 2x
Katja Rissmann: We had 6 private sessions with Ruben and loved it! Would highly recommend as we learned so much and enjoyed the process :)
Emily Barrett: My husband and I did a 2:1 private class - we had never danced salsa before! Great teacher, we had a lot of fun & learned the basics. We wished we had longer to do a course!
Serena Romagnoli: My boyfriend and I paid for private classes. He had basically zero knowledge, me some basics. Ended up having a teacher just to have someone counting 1-2-3 5-6-7 for us while looking at herself on the mirror. End of it. End of her contribution.Sure she gave some directions to my boyfriend - so basic that I would have been able to do the same for free.Given me and my boyfriend had 2 different levels, I didn’t learn anything new.Cherry on top, we started late to look for the A/C remote but didn’t get the time back at the end. And to be honest, given the kind of experience, I wasn’t too sad.I read many positive reviews, I’m sure that if you take 14 h lessons they make a better investment on clients.But this is not private class, this is a nice and colorful tourist trap.
Karin Goetz: Guter Salsa-Unterricht
Charneice McKenzie: This is feedback for the school:The jump from beginner to intermediate was too much. Even the intermediate private lessons to the group lessons was a big jump. I am a dancer. I have been a dance instructor. And I wasn't getting the steps. The instructor...who is very nice...showed us 4 7-count sequence all at once. That was too much to remember! Then, without all of us having the hang of the steps, he went on to add another 7-count with a spin. I walked out. I wasn't having fun and I didn't want to pay for confusion. It felt like the Aunt Viv situation on Fresh Prince of Bel Aire. I'm just in Cartagena to have fun. Not compete at a high-level dance studio. My suggestion is to introduce 1 7-count sequence at a time. Observe if the students have caught on. Then add to it. Go at the pace of the students. No need to rush. I did have fun in the private lesson.
Lea Helfenstein: We took a private class for Salsa Cali style and Champeta. The teacher Natalia was excellent! We recommend it a lot.
Sandy Wolf: I took 14 hours of private lessons in 4 days! I wanted to level up my salsa and Bachata skills on my Cartagena vacation, and that's exactly what Crazy Salsa School did for me!I was so lucky and happy to have Esteban and Ruben as my own private teachers. Those 4 days were full of fun and challenges as my teachers customized each lesson to exactly what I wanted to work on and their assessment of what I needed to learn.Both of these guys encouraged me through my frustrations and were as excited as I was when I would finally get the steps we were working on. They were endlessly patient and encouraging, and incredibly skilled at unlocking the slight but important little changes to make to help me successfully do the steps.These teachers got me to do moves I never thought I could do. Not all great dancers can teach; these guys (and also Natalia, who taught a great styling lesson) do both brilliantly. And the owner, Esmeralda, was incredibly responsive and flexible with scheduling. She allowed me to schedule according to what my plans were the next day. Reasonably priced, wonderfully taught, Crazy Salsa should be your Cartagena dance home!
Heena Patel: Excellent Salsa class with a bar tour to practice afterwards. My instructor Esteban was amazing. He explained the steps well. We then went to two bars and were joined by another instructor where we practiced what we had learnt and had a few free drinks along the way.My only recommendation would be that it might be good to have a female and male instructor at the bar to help both genders practice.Would definitely recommend this Salsa Tour!
Guadalupe Maria Daldoz: Some geniuses! I took a very good class with Esteban and then I took the tour with Ruben, super friendly and safe on the tour, I went alone and I had a lot of fun.
Tue Nguyen: Is the school open?? Couldn't find the place. Not where it's supposed to be according to google maps
Joanna: I was in Cartagena for a week and I took private classes with Esteban- Salsa and Ruben- Bachata. I absolutely loved it they are very professional but at the same time we had so much fun while dancing. I’ve learnt a lot thanks to them. The easiest way to communicate with them is by WhatsApp đŸ€©
Ryan DuBois: Great school! They were very responsive and accommodating and I received a great lesson.A very good school! They responded quickly and the class was great.
Ji Pei: Me and my wife Had a great lessons.Instruction is very clear and we definitely enjoyed the experience
Raya Dzulynsky: Great private salsa class with Esteban. He was clear with his instructions and very patient with our questionable dance skills.
Deregnaucourt Jeremy: I had some courses there.Unfortunately, due to construction work, there was no way to have group class.There was a misunderstanding with the administrative assistant about the price. With 5 individual lessons taken, you got a 6th one free.Since I paid them individually, she declined this offer. I would have appreciated more flexibility as the credit cash machine was not functioning and I was keen to pay everything with my card.Also, this same person gave me my last course. I did not feel in confidence with her. She was judgy, having an attitude that does not favor to be relaxed.Despite that, I had Ruben, and this guy is incredible. A great teacher and a very funny guy! Go ahead with him without any concern :)
stellina Luna: Where is this place? I love to go but I can’t find it! It’s not where google maps says it is and the people around there have no idea what I am talking about! 😆Pls someone send some better directions
Manu Manu Negrete: It's a great place to learn how to dance Salsa ..they got expert teacher .
karina carrasco arredondo: Excellent place, very good teacher Rubén, breaking it 100%
alwayscoco1984: Positive:Communication,Professionalism,Quality,ValueI had 6 classes with Mauricio, he was a fantastic teacher! He made learning salsa very fun and interesting! The hour class always pass by too quickly because it's so fun! Highly recommend Crazy Salsa in Cartagena! Hope to come back and continue the lessons with Mauricio in the future :)

6. Caribe Kitesurf Colombia - Cartagena de Indias

· 10 reviews

Cl. 46 ##32, La Boquilla, Provincia de Cartagena, BolĂ­var, Colombia

Address Website WhatsApp

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